Union Registry - European Commission
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About the Union Registry

The Union Registry is an online database that helps guarantee the precise accounting of all allowances issued under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The Registry keeps track of the ownership of allowances held in electronic accounts, just as a bank has a record of all its customers and their money. Ultimately, it helps assessing if operators and regulated entities comply with their obligation to report emissions and surrender allowances accordingly.

The following information is publicly available on the Union Registry website:

  • Data on free allocation, verified emissions, and compliance status of operators
  • Transactions taking place in the Registry, as well as data on account holders 

A single EU Registry

In 2012, EU ETS operations were centralised into a single registry operated by the European Commission. The Union Registry covers all countries participating in the EU ETS and holds accounts for:

  • stationary installations (transferred from national registries used before 2012)
  • aircraft operators (since January 2012)
  • maritime operators (since January 2024)

The Registry records:

  • National implementation measures (namely, a list of installations covered by the ETS Directive in each EU country, detailing their respective free allocation of allowances)
  • Accounts of companies holding such allowances
  • Transfers of allowances (known as "transactions") performed by account holders
  • Annual verified CO2 emissions from operators
  • Annual reconciliation of allowances and verified emissions, requiring each company to surrender enough allowances to cover all its verified emissions

Opening accounts in the Union Registry

To participate in the EU ETS, be it for compliance or trading of allowances companies must open an account in the Union Registry.

To open an account, companies must send a request to their respective national administrator, who collects and verifies all supporting documentation.

Once their request is approved, companies receive credentials to access their account on the Union Registry portal.


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FAQs - Implementation of new rules due to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/1122

Kyoto Protocol registries

ETS accounts

International credits


Account representatives


Data protection

FAQs - Implementation of new registry rules regarding units from Joint Implementation (02/2013)

See the FAQ on International Carbon Market

FAQs - General Q&A on Registries (05/2013)

FAQs - Use of the Union Registry for airlines (05/2013)

FAQs - Banking of emission allowances and exchange of international credits (05/2013)

FAQs - Activation of the trusted account list and trading accounts (31/08/2012)

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