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Climate Action
  • Consultation
  • Closed

Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions


Opening date

Target audience

Please find information in Target group(s) section.

Why we are consulting


Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions


The strategy reflects on a long-term vision for a modern European economy for all Europeans and the opportunities and challenges that a long-term decarbonisation implies.

Opening date


Closing date



Climate, Energy, Economy wide transformation to a low carbon society

Policy areas

Climate, Energy

  • DG Energy
  • DG Climate Action
Target group(s)

Any interested party, including citizens, business, Trade, business and professional organizations., NGOs, consultancy, research & academia, Organizations representing regional, local and municipal authorities, other public or mixed sub-national entities National and international public authorities.

Objective of the consultation

The consultation aims at:

  • Collecting views and opinions on the technological and socio-economic pathways that should be explored for a long-term EU GHG emissions reduction strategy;
  • Gathering factual information, data and knowledge about elements not covered by reporting exercises, including drivers and barriers, challenges and opportunities relevant to the long-term strategy.

The stakeholder consultation covers the type of transformations required, its level of ambition, key actions to achieve this transformation, including interactions with other ongoing transformations, the societal and economic challenges and opportunities, the role of the consumer, the need for investment and innovation. It will also address technical questions on the potential of some mitigation options.

How to submit your contribution

The questionnaire is available in all official EU languages (except Irish), and responses can be submitted in any official EU language. It will take about 25 minutes to answer the questionnaire.

Please note that to ensure a fair and transparent consultation process only responses received through the online questionnaire will be taken into account and included in the summary report.

The questionnaire has three sections:

  • Section I asks questions to establish information about you as a respondent.
  • Section II asks general questions about an environmental policy framework.

To participate you are not obliged to fill in all questions. The questionnaire also offers the possibility to upload documents containing written statements. Your opinion matters to us. Thank you very much for taking the time to contribute to this consultation.

View the questionnaire
Additional information

As part of the European Transparency Initiative, the Commission asks organisations (including NGOs, trade associations, enterprises etc.) who wish to participate in public consultations to provide the Commission and the public with information about whom and what they represent, their objectives, funding and structures, by registering in the Transparency Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct.

If you are a registered organisation, please fill in your Register ID number in the questionnaire. Your contribution will then be considered as representing the views of your organisation.

If your organisation is not registered, you have the opportunity to register now. Then return to this page to submit your contribution as a registered organisation.

During the analysis of replies to a consultation, contributions from respondents who choose not to register will be treated as individual contributions (unless the contributors are recognised as representative stakeholders through Treaty provisions, European Social Dialogue, Art. 154-155 TFEU).

Specific privacy statement

Contact details

Directorate-General Climate Action - Unit C1

E-mail: CLIMA-ENER-LONG-TERM-STRATEGYatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (CLIMA-ENER-LONG-TERM-STRATEGY[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Postal address:

European Commission
Directorate-General Climate Action
Unit C1
B-1049 Bruxelles
View the contributions
Results of consultation and next steps
Protection of personal data Specific privacy statement

Respond to the consultation

The response period for this consultation has ended. Thank you for your input.