FAQ – Maritime transport in EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) - European Commission
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FAQ – Maritime transport in EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)

The following questions and answers are intended to guide shipping professionals in understanding the application of the EU Emissions Trading System to maritime transport. They do not replace the legislation.

For further details, please consult the updated EU ETS Directive and the revised EU MRV Maritime Regulation. Visit our maritime transport page (‘Documentation’ > ‘Guidance documents elaborated with MRV/ETS shipping experts’) to consult related guidance documents, such as:

Any additional guidance document will be published in the ‘Documentation’ section on our maritime transport page. This includes a guidance document related to verification activities, to be published by the end of 2024.

Please note that the above-mentioned guidance documents provide more detailed information than the below FAQ.

Latest FAQ content update: 23/08/2024.

Extension of the EU Emissions Trading System to maritime transport

State of play

Timing & scope

For more information on timing and scope, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Sections 2 and 3. 


A diagram of the EU ETS extension to maritime transport

Full size image

Functioning of the EU ETS

For more information on the functioning of the EU ETS for marite transport activities, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Sections 2 and 3.

General understanding of the system

Buying and surrendering allowances in the Union registry

Key players

Shipping companies and operators

For more information on the notion of shipping companies, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 2.5.

Administering authorities

For more information on administering authorities, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 2.4.


Sanctions and enforcement

Use of revenues

Specific rules and derogations

For more information on exemptions and derogations, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 2.2.3.

Biofuels and other alternative fuels

For more information on reporting requirements for ETS, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 5.2.

A Step-by-Step approach for Shipping companies

For more detailed and practical information, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies).

Step 1: Understand the new requirements and adapt your contract(s)

Step 2: Find out which administering authority is responsible for your company

[See questions on ‘Administering authorities’ for more information]

Step 3: Open an account in the Union Registry

[See questions on ‘Buying allowances and surrendering allowances’ for more information]

Step 4: Update the ship’s monitoring plan and submit it to the verifier and the administering authority

Step 5: Monitor your greenhouse gas emissions

As of 1 January 2024, shipping companies should monitor their emissions in accordance with the revised monitoring plan that should be assessed by verifiers and approved by the administering authority.

Step 6: Prepare your emissions reports and the report at company level and get them verified

Once per year, companies must submit an emissions report for each of the ships under their responsibility, as well an emissions report at the company level (aggregating the data to be reported for ETS purposes). For this purpose, companies must follow the corresponding templates. All ship-level and company-level emissions reports must be verified by an accredited verifier by 31 March of the following year (or by 28 February if requested by the administering authority responsible).

Step 7: Surrender EU allowances

Once aggregated emissions data at company level have been verified and submitted to the administering authority, companies must surrender the equivalent number of allowances in the Union Registry by 30 September of that year.