FAQ - Monitoring, reporting and verification of maritime transport emissions - European Commission
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FAQ - Monitoring, reporting and verification of maritime transport emissions


The following questions and answers are intended to guide shipping professionals in understanding the application of the MRV Maritime Regulation. They do not replace the legislation. For further details, please consult the revised MRV Maritime Regulation. Visit our maritime transport page (‘Documentation’ > ‘Guidance documents elaborated with MRV/ETS shipping experts’) to consult related guidance documents, such as:

Any additional guidance document will be published in the ‘Documentation’ section on our maritime transport page. This includes a guidance document related to verification activities, to be published by the end of 2024.

Please note that the above-mentioned guidance documents provide more detailed information than the below FAQ.

Latest FAQ content update: 28/08/2024.

Ships covered by the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Maritime Regulation

For more information on the scope of the MRV Maritime Regulation, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 2.2.

Voyages and ports of call

For more information on the scope of the MRV Maritime Regulation, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 2.2.

Emissions within ports

For more information on consideration of voyages and port calls, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 4.1.1.

Geographical scope

For more information on consideration of voyages and port calls, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 2.2.4.

Monitoring, reporting and verification obligations

For more information on MRV obligations, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies).

Monitoring plans

For more information on monitoring plans, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 6.

‘Per voyage’ monitoring

For more information on monitoring and reporting of emissions, please refer to Guidance Document n°1 (The EU ETS and MRV Maritime General guidance for shipping companies), in particular Section 4.

Accreditation of verifiers

For more information on verification and accreditation, please refer to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2917.