Today, the European Commission has published the results of its evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer (the Ozone Regulation). The Regulation plays a major role in the global effort to ensure the recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer as well as reducing global warming, since ozone-depleting substances are also powerful greenhouse gases.
The evaluation started in 2017 and included several consultation activities, including a public consultation in line with the Commissions’ Better Regulation guidelines.
The Commission found that the Regulation has achieved its objectives: ensuring compliance with international agreements such as the Montreal Protocol, and guaranteeing a high level of ambition for protecting the ozone layer and fighting climate change. The Regulation has clear EU added value, since only a common, harmonized EU approach can address this problem. The evaluation showed that the Regulation is generally well aligned with relevant EU and international legislation. The Commission also found that the Regulation is efficient, but some results might be achievable through simpler, less resource intensive activities.
Based on the outcomes of the evaluation, the Commission is starting an impact assessment to examine if and how it can further improve the Regulation in the coming years.
Further information:
- Publication date
- 3 December 2019
- Author
- Directorate-General for Climate Action