EU Mission Adaptation signatories now number over 300 - European Commission
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  • News article
  • 7 March 2023
  • Directorate-General for Climate Action
  • 3 min read

EU Mission Adaptation signatories now number over 300

The European Commission has, to date, welcomed the signatures of 308 regions and local authorities who have joined the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change.

By signing the Charter the authorities made it clear that they want to cooperate, mobilise resources and develop activities to reach their climate adaptation goals. Of the 308 authorities, 291 come from 25 EU countries, with 17 more parties from non-EU countries that are associated or potentially associated with Horizon Europe, the EU's research and innovation programme. A further 63 private companies, service centres, research networks and local action groups have committed to improving climate resilience by becoming Friends of the Mission.

All 308 signatories are now part of the community of practice on adaptation to climate change launched on 26 January 2023 in Brussels. Signatories met, networked, and shared experiences at the launch event, a cooperation set to intensify when a platform goes live in April. Training and technical advice on how to plan and implement climate adaptation measures will be available on the platform.

From deadly heatwaves and devastating droughts to wildfires and coastlines eroded by rising sea levels, climate change is already taking its toll in Europe. Its impact affects not only the environment and economy, but also the health of Europeans. The frequency and severity of climate and weather extremes is increasing, so we need to speed up solutions that build climate resilience.

The Mission Adaptation aims to support regions and communities in accelerating their transformation towards climate resilience by 2030. It will help these regions and local authorities to better understand, prepare for and manage climate risks, as well as to develop innovative solutions to build resilience. The Commission also recently proposed the Nature Restoration Law to help nature recover and to support communities to better prepare for the worst impacts of the dual climate change and biodiversity loss crises.

The Mission Adaptation is funding projects worth €370 million of Horizon Europe funding for the period 2021-23. The research and innovation projects will help understand how to better rebuild areas impacted by extreme weather events, create floodplains, as well as exploring climate resilient types of farming and prototype insurance approaches, or designing a ‘perfectly adapted' city ready to withstand floodings or heatwaves.

The Mission also makes it possible to build joint initiatives with other EU Missions and programmes, and provides opportunities for networking, exchange of best practices between regions and local authorities, and support to engage citizens.

This will allow for the broadest uptake of adaptation measures in Europe and lead the way towards a climate-resilient future.

Members of the Commission said:

Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, Frans Timmermans said: “The more than 300 regions and local authorities that are now part of the Mission for Adaptation share insights and practical ideas about minimising the impact of the climate crisis. The Mission is a steadily growing community that will help to bring solutions to society at large. It is inspirational to see so many local and regional authorities from all over Europe and beyond come together to shield citizens as best as possible against climate change”.

Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Mariya Gabriel, said: “In one year, the Mission has demonstrated how regional and local authorities are eager to cooperate on scaling up innovation to tackle climate change. By teaming up, these 301 regions and local authorities are proving that Europe can and will become more resilient to climate change if we work together.”

On 14 March 2022, the Commission invited EU regions and local authorities to join the Mission. Following today's announcement, the new signatories will benefit from the Mission Implementation Platform, which will be operational in April 2023. Together, they will develop pathways towards climate resilience while having access to climate data and methodologies for climate risk assessments and receiving tailor-made guidance on effective adaptation measures.

The Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change started in September 2021 with the adoption of a Communication on EU Missions, followed by the approval of all five Missions' implementation plans. The four other EU Missions cover global challenges in the areas of climate-neutral and smart cities, restoring our ocean and waters, healthy soils and cancer. A dedicated Work Programme for Horizon Europe Missions was published on 15 December 2021. The Missions support  Commission priorities, such as the European Green DealEurope fit for the Digital AgeBeating Cancer and the New European Bauhaus.


For More Information

Factsheet on Signatories to the Mission Adaption Charter

EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change

Adaptation to Climate Change

EU Adaptation Strategy

EU Missions in Horizon Europe

European Green Deal


Publication date
7 March 2023
Directorate-General for Climate Action