United Nations negotiations on international action to combat climate change started today in Bonn, Germany and will run until 17 June. The Hungarian Presidency of the Council and the European Commission are representing the European Union at the two-week meeting, which is the second session of official-level talks held to prepare the UN climate conference in Durban, South Africa at the end of this year.
Following agreement on the agenda at the first round of talks, held in Bangkok in April, the EU is looking to the Bonn meeting to make progress on issues of substance for Durban. In particular, the EU wants the Durban conference to bring into operation the UN climate agreements reached in Cancún last December, address key issues left aside in Cancún - such as the creation of sectoral emissions crediting mechanisms and action to address emissions from international aviation and shipping - and make further progress towards a comprehensive and legally binding agreement with broad international participation, building on the present climate regime.
During the Bonn meeting a second round of workshops will be held to help clarify the emission reduction pledges made by developed and developing countries alike. This clarification is important if the emission pledges are eventually to be strengthened in line with world leaders' commitment to keep global warming to less than 2°C above the temperature that prevailed before the Industrial Revolution.
The EU delegation will hold press briefings at 1400 local time today and on 17 June which will be streamed live and on-demand.
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- Publication date
- 6 June 2011
- Author
- Directorate-General for Climate Action