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Climate Action
News article21 November 2013Directorate-General for Climate Action1 min read

Commission submits non-paper on back-loading to the EU Climate Change Committee

In view of the recent progress by the co-legislators towards an agreement on the clarifying amendment of the EU ETS Directive enabling the back-loading of 900 million allowances through an amendment of the Auctioning Regulation, the European...


In view of the recent progress by the co-legislators towards an agreement on the clarifying amendment of the EU ETS Directive enabling the back-loading of 900 million allowances through an amendment of the Auctioning Regulation, the European Commission has started preparations to be ready for implementation.

Discussions have started in the EU Climate Change Committee.

Responding to a request by the EU Climate Change Committee and to facilitate work at the next Committee meeting on 11 December, the Commission has today submitted to the Committee a non-paper outlining several options for the time profile of back-loaded volumes.

The Commission will explore various procedural means to allow swift implementation of back-loading.

Regular updates on progress will be provided via this website.

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Publication date
21 November 2013
Directorate-General for Climate Action