For the third consecutive year, carbon market experts from around the globe met yesterday in Florence to gain insight and exchange experiences related to the development and the day-to-day operation of emissions trading systems.
The Carbon Market Workshop, organised by the European Commission and the European University Institute, brought together policymakers from carbon markets worldwide – California, Canada, China, EU and New Zealand – as well as academics, market practitioners and NGO representatives. Representatives from Chile and Japan also attended.
Interactive panel discussions were dedicated to topics such as market stability mechanisms and auction revenue use. Furthermore, the participants provided an update on relevant recent developments in their respective carbon markets.
Mauro Petriccione, Director-General for Climate Action at the European Commission, said: "Today has been an extremely valuable, insightful and through-provoking day. I am confident all experts present will benefit from today’s discussions in their daily work of running a carbon market."
The main objectives of the Florence Process are to collect and disseminate empirical knowledge and information on the functioning of emissions trading systems (ETS) worldwide, establish a network bringing together ETS experts, and create a forum enabling interaction amongst policy makers and ETS experts.
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- Publication date
- 22 March 2019
- Author
- Directorate-General for Climate Action