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Climate Action

Innovation Fund projects

In the EU, polluters have to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions via the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). The money raised via this system is reinvested into the Innovation Fund: one of the world’s largest funding programmes for innovative low-carbon technologies.

What kind of projects does the Innovation Fund support? Check out the table below to learn more.

In the Technology pathways column, you can find the different technologies projects are using to reduce greenhouses gas emissions. For projects that are already being implemented, you can find quantitative information on the dashboards.

In the Project stories column, you can find dedicated stories to illustrate how projects are supporting people and businesses across the EU. More project stories will be available soon.

ProjectTypeCategorySectorLocationCoordinatorTechnology pathwaysProject storiesStatus
eNRG LahtiIF23Auction - renewable hydrogenRenewable Hydrogen production (auction)HydrogenFinlandNordic Ren-Gas OyElectrolytic renewable hydrogen production Grant signed
Grey2Green-IIIF23Auction - renewable hydrogenRenewable Hydrogen production (auction)HydrogenPortugalPetrogal S.A.Electrolytic renewable hydrogen production Grant signed
HYSENCIAIF23Auction - renewable hydrogenRenewable Hydrogen production (auction)HydrogenSpainAngusElectrolytic renewable hydrogen production Grant signed
SKIGAIF23Auction - renewable hydrogenRenewable Hydrogen production (auction)HydrogenNorwaySkigaElectrolytic renewable hydrogen production Grant signed
CatalinaIF23Auction - renewable hydrogenRenewable Hydrogen production (auction)HydrogenSpainRenato Ptx HoldcoElectrolytic renewable hydrogen production Grant signed
MP2XIF23Auction - renewable hydrogenRenewable Hydrogen production (auction)HydrogenPortugalMadoquapower 2xElectrolytic renewable hydrogen production Grant signed
Innovation in Carbon Capture and Transport
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeGermanyCEMEX Zement GmbHCarbon capture for storage Invited for grant preparation
Sequestration Technology and Reservoir: Floating Injection and Storage Havstjerne
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherNorwayStella Maris CCS ASOffshore CO2 storage Invited for grant preparation
TarraCO2, the reduction of CO2 emissions through geological storage, a catalyst of the CO2 market
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherSpainREPSOL EXPLORACION SAOffshore CO2 storage 

 Invited for grant preparation
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeFranceLAFARGE CIMENTSCarbon capture for storage Invited for grant preparation
Hydrogen and heat production with a 200 MW electrolyser and large-scale heat pumps on an existing power plant site in Emden
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenGermanyStatkraft Hydrogen GmbHRenewable hydrogen production and heat for district heating from waste heat recovery 

 Invited for grant preparation
Zero Emission Steelmaking at ArcelorMittal
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron & steelBelgiumARCELORMITTAL BELGIUM NVDirect Reduction Iron (DRI with 2 Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)) and Blast Furnace (BF) steel making and onsite production of renewable hydrogen 

 Invited for grant preparation
Hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft Manufactured in Europe for Sustainable aviation
IF23Call – General large-scaleNet-zero mobility and buildingsAviationFranceAURA AERO SASHybrid electric regional aircraft Invited for grant preparation
ReOil 25000 
ReOil 25000
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsAustriaOMV DOWNSTREAM GMBHChemical recycling plant for plastics

 Invited for grant preparation
3D Fibre
Functional, safe, and sustainable 3D wood fibre-based packaging innovation to replace plastics in food and food service packaging
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsFinlandMETSA SPRING OYSustainable packaging solution

 Invited for grant preparation
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsSpainFERTIBERIA SAGreen ammonia for fertiliser production

 Invited for grant preparation
eNRG Kotka
eNRG Kotka spearheads sector integration, unlocking unparalleled value through cutting-edge power-to-gas technology
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesFinlandNordic Ren-Gas OyE-methane from RFNBO hydrogen for the heavy transportation sector and district heating Invited for grant preparation
H2BE: the first 1GW low-carbon H2 production facility to enable and accelerate industrial decarbonisation, critical H2/CO2 infrastructure realisation and H2 market development in Northern Europe.
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenBelgiumELECTRABELLow-carbon hydrogen production Invited for grant preparation
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherNetherlandsTOTALENERGIES EP NEDERLAND BVOffshore CO2 storage Invited for grant preparation
Boosting Implementation of Cleantech Electric Power Steering
IF23Call – General large-scaleNet-zero mobility and buildingsRoad transportGermanyKNORR-BREMSE SYSTEME FUR NUTZFAHRZEUGE GMBHHydrostatic electric power steering system for heavy-duty commercial vehicles 

 Invited for grant preparation
European Network for Hydrogen and Ammonia Carbon-Neutral Energy - Gateway for Hydrogen
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenBelgiumAIR LIQUIDE LARGE INDUSTRYRFNBO ammonia and liquefaction of renewable hydrogen Invited for grant preparation
Replicative Approach to e-Methanol Production Scaling
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesDenmarkEuropean Energy A/Se-Methanol production plant for the shipping sector

 Invited for grant preparation
MicrOwave Depolymerization UpScaling:
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsSpainMODELO DE UPCYCLING SOSTENIBLERecycling system for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to produce circular PET and polyester for the packaging and textile industries. Invited for grant preparation
Innovation for Zero Emissions in Helsingborg
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherSwedenÖresundskraft Kraft & Värme ABCarbon capture and storage (CCS) at a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant.

 Invited for grant preparation
ACCSION - Aalborg Portland Carbon Capture and Storage using Infrastructure Onshore in North Jutland
IF23Call – General large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeDenmarkAalborg Portland A/SCO2 capture for storage Invited for grant preparation
Greensand Future
Greensand Future: contributing to EU’s CO2 emissions reduction target by establishing critical EU storage capacity
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherDenmarkINEOS E&P A/SCO2 transport and storage Invited for grant preparation
CapturEste - Carbon Capture to Decarbonize Herambiente Ferrara Waste-to-Energy Plant
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherItalyHERAMBIENTE S.P.A.Enzymatic carbon capture technology at a Waste-to-Energy plant for offshore CO2 storage Invited for grant preparation
Danube Removals
Danube Onshore Fermentation Carbon Removals
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherHungaryDanube CCS Ventures Kft.CO2 capture from biorefinery, transport and onshore storage Invited for grant preparation
Large-scale manufacturing faCility Of innovative electRic MOtors for maRitime trANsporTs
IF23Call – General medium-scaleNet-zero mobility and buildingsMaritimeNorwayEVOY ASManufacturing electric powerheads, a component of electric propulsion systems for small vessels. Invited for grant preparation
CT Quarry
Circular Technology Quarry: Providing green materials for more sustainable construction
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics & construction materialSpainCosentino Industrial, S.A.U.Recycling process residues into new secondary raw materials Invited for grant preparation
Marcegaglia AdriatiCO2
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron & steelItalyMARCEGAGLIA RAVENNA S.P.A..Carbon capture for storage 

 Invited for grant preparation
Re-Tyre CO2
Sustainable Recycling of waste tyres through a CO2-saving pyrolytic process: production of new alternative fuel, carbon black and circular gas utilization
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesItalySaras SpARecycling end-of-life tyres through pyrolysis Invited for grant preparation
Installing A Radiation Curing Coil Coating Line At A New Elval Colour Facility Designed For The Coating Of Products Made Out Of Aluminium
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesNon-ferrous MetalsGreeceELVAL COLOUR SINGLE MEMBER SAUltraviolet (UV) and electron beam (Ebeam) curing techniques for aluminium Invited for grant preparation
Large-scale Battery Deployment in Generation Platform
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIntra-day electricity storagePortugalEDP - GESTAO DA PRODUCAO DE ENERGIASABattery Energy Storage System (BESS) Invited for grant preparation
First of a kind hybrid decarbonisation platform for passenger ship – space, time and cost-efficient retrofitting with improved operational efficiency and reduction of emissions and impacts
IF23Call – General medium-scaleNet-zero mobility and buildingsMaritimeItalyPrincess Cruises Ltd.Retrofitting of an existing passenger vessel to run on e-methanol, using a hybrid decarbonisation platform Invited for grant preparation
Greening the Production of Hydrogen Peroxide
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenFinlandSolvay Chemicals Finland Oy30 MW electrolyzer for production of hydrogen peroxide Invited for grant preparation
AMBASSADOR: closed-loop installation for sustAinable production of bioMethane, BioCO2 And biofertilizerS a new StandArD fOr zeRo waste economy
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherPolandBZK ENERGY SPOLKA Z OGRANICZONA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSCIABiomethane production and carbon capture and purification system
 Invited for grant preparation
IF23Call – General medium-scaleNet-zero mobility and buildingsMaritimeNorwayReach Subsea ASAutonomous, unmanned offshore service vessel and a fully electric Remotely Operated Vehicle Invited for grant preparation
First of a kind high-speed zero emission short sea container service powered by multi-megawatt liquefied RFNBO hydrogen fuel cells
IF23Call – General medium-scaleNet-zero mobility and buildingsMaritimeNetherlandsSamskip Holding B.V.Two new container vessels powered by multi-megawatt fuel cells running on liquefied RFNBO hydrogen Invited for grant preparation
SOlar farm and VAnadium LIthium Storage
IF23Call – General medium-scaleRenewable energySolar energyFranceBORALEXHybrid energy storage system combining lithium-ion and vanadium redox flow batteries, directly linked to a large-scale solar PV farm Invited for grant preparation
CarbonSmart Factory: Skövde Plant Approaching Carbon Elimination (SPACE)
IF23Call – General medium-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron & steelSwedenVOLVO POWERTRAIN AKTIEBOLAGElectrification and heat recovery of secondary steel furnaces for engine manufacturing Invited for grant preparation
Biofiller Agro-industrial Can Change hOrizon
IF23Call – General small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsItalyTAMPIERI FINANCIAL GROUP SPABio-fillers for the plastics industry Invited for grant preparation
Battery Energy Storage System for HYDROpower
IF23Call – General small-scaleEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storageItalyENEL PRODUZIONE SPABattery Energy Storage System (BESS) integrated in an existing Storage Hydropower Plant (SHP) Invited for grant preparation
LocaCloud Brescia
QARNOT Innovative Distributed Data Centre designed to retrieve and exploit waste heat for integration into Brescia district heating network
IF23Call – General small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherItalyQARNOT COMPUTINGHeat recovery from data centres for the district heating network 
 Invited for grant preparation
First total ELectrification In large-scale luXury glass production
IF23Call – General small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics & construction materialSpainBormioli Rocco, SAUElectrification Invited for grant preparation
Floating Sky
Floating Sky: FUSIO demonstrator
IF23Call – General small-scaleRenewable energySolar energyBelgiumTERTRE INNOVATION SOLAIREFloating Photovoltaic (FPV) plant Invited for grant preparation
Agrovoltaic Technology Demonstration Plant on Orellana Canal
IF23Call – General small-scaleRenewable energySolar energySpainPROYECTOS RENOVABLES INNOVADORES SAPhotovoltaic energy generation plant installed over canals and water delivery infrastructure Invited for grant preparation
Combined renewable heat plant - solar thermal, storage, heat recovery and heat pumps - achieving 80% decarbonisation of the heat supply for an industrial malt producing facility in Croatia
IF23Call – General small-scaleRenewable energySolar energyCroatiaNEWHEATSolar themal plant and storage facility for the malt industry Invited for grant preparation
Decarbonizing the manufacturing of steel bars by innovative IHMS electric heating systems
IF23Call – General small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron & steelItalyFerriera Valsabbia S.p.A.Electrification Invited for grant preparation
GeneRating and UpscAling iNnovation in green hyDrogen Production: boostIng PEM and AEM techNologies in EurOpe
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIIBelgiumBEKAERT NVPEM electrolyser components Invited for grant preparation
Voith Plug&Drive Hydrogen Storage System (Gen 2)
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy storageManufacturing of components for ESGermanyJ. M. VOITH SE & CO. KGHydrogen storage system for use in heavy duty trucks Invited for grant preparation
Next Generation Wind powertrain production
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESGermanyFLENDER GMBHPowertrains for wind turbines Invited for grant preparation
Next-Generation European Union Manufacturing for Offshore wind
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESDenmarkSIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGY ASOffshore wind turbines

 Invited for grant preparation
Project Sagitta
Project Sagitta - Scalable Automated Gigawatt Initiative for Technology That Accelerates decarbonization
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIINorwayHYSTAR ASPEM electrolyser components

 Invited for grant preparation
Cathode active material manufacturing for LFP lithium-ion batteries
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy storageManufacturing of components for ESFinlandFREYR Battery Finland Joint Venture OyBattery Cathode Active Material (CAM) 

 Invited for grant preparation
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESSpainTrina Solar (Luxembourg) Holdings1.5GW Heterojunction (HJT) photovoltaic (PV) modules 

 Invited for grant preparation
Automized manufacturing of pressurized alkaline electrolyser
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIINorwayNEL HYDROGEN ELECTROLYSER ASPressurised alkaline electrolysers Invited for grant preparation
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy storageManufacturing of components for ESFranceSIBANYE-STILLWATER SANDOUVILLE REFINERYBattery precursor cathode active material (pCAM) Invited for grant preparation
Revolutionizing Energy: Scaling manufacturing of Innovative, reversibLe, hIghly EfficieNt, Carbon-nEgative power plants
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESGermanyREVERION GMBHManufacturing of reversible power plants for biogas with very high electrical efficiency (80%), carbon capturing and energy storage based on the use of reversible Solid Oxide Cells (rSOC) Invited for grant preparation
Industrializing a green process for battery raw material recycling
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy storageManufacturing of components for ESSwedenNorthvolt Revolt ABHydrometallurgical battery recycling Invited for grant preparation
ELCO I: Solid Oxide Cell and Stack Manufacturing facility
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIIEstoniaAKTSIASELTS ELCOGENSOEC Electrolyser components Invited for grant preparation
Futurasun advancEd italiaN manufacturIng Centre
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESItalyFUTURASUN S.R.L.PV modules Invited for grant preparation
Ballard Power System's Fuel Cell Hydrogen Technology Engine Location
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIIGermanyBALLARD POWER SYSTEMS INCProton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells for road transport Invited for grant preparation
LiTH.OS CELL: establishing dedicated Lithium Operations in South Europe to serve the ESS and industrial mobility markets
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy storageManufacturing of components for ESGreeceSUNLIGHT GROUP SYSTIMATA APOTHIKEFSIS ENERGEIAS VIOMICHANIKI KAI EMPORIKI ANONYMI ETAIRIABattery cells Invited for grant preparation
First-of-a-kind Modular and Highly replicable factory to deploy a distributed European GW scale manufacturing network supplying Cost-Effective AEM electrolyser technology
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIIItalyVision2H S.p.A.Anion exchange membrane (AEM) electrolysers Invited for grant preparation
PM Hy-Factory
Proton smart factory: Automated series production of unique Proton Motor fuel cell stacks and systems for stationary and mobile applications
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESGermanyProton Motor Fuel Cell GmbHProton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks and systems Invited for grant preparation
ADVENT RHyno - Renewable Hydrogen Innovative Technologies project
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIIGreeceADVANCED ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES AE EREUNAS & ANAPTYXIS YLIKON & PROIONTONANANEOSIMON PIGON ENERGEIAS & SYNAFON SYMVOULEFTIKON Y PIRESIONHigh Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (HTPEM) fuel cells components and systems, and proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser systems.

 Invited for grant preparation
Establishing Europe's First Natural Graphite Anode Production Facility for Sustainable Lithium-Ion Batteries
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy storageManufacturing of components for ESSwedenTALGA ABAnode material for lithium-ion batteries Invited for grant preparation
Battolyser Factory 1
A first-of-its-kind 1GW Battolyser® factory to manufacture a next-generation 100% flexible electrolyser and battery that produces the lowest-cost green hydrogen
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESNetherlandsBattolyser Bv.Electrolyser combined with battery functionalities production Invited for grant preparation
High Temperature Electrolyser Manufacturing 300MW/a (HTEM300)
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIIGermanythyssenkrupp nucera Projekt 1 GmbHElectrolyser components (Solid Oxide Electrolyser Electrolyte Supported Cell (SOE-ESC) stack modules) Invited for grant preparation
Norvento Enerxía Factory Zero - Factory of Equipment for Energy Generation and Storage
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy storageManufacturing of components for ESSpainNORVENTO ENERXIA, S.L.Wind turbines, advanced battery storage units, and modern power converters Invited for grant preparation
Large scale production of high performing electrodes
IF23Call – ManufacturingEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for EIIDenmarkHydrogenPro ASAlkaline electrolyser components Invited for grant preparation
Sustainable manufacturing facility for XXL offshore wind towers
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESPolandWindar Polska sp. z o.o.Components for Offshore Wind Towers Invited for grant preparation
Demonstration of modular 50 MW manufacturing plant for industrial steam heat pumps to decarbonize small - to - medium scale EU ETS I & II facilities
IF23Call – ManufacturingRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESBelgiumArmstrong International S.A.Industrial high-temperature heat pumps (HTHP) Invited for grant preparation
HYdrogen Offshore DunkerquE
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenFranceEDF RENOUVELABLES FRANCECoupling of offshore wind farms with offshore PEM electrolyser Invited for grant preparation
PIloting and Validating the manufacturing and assembly of the most powerful Offshore wind Turbine generator
IF23Call – PilotsRenewable energyManufacturing of components for RESDenmarkSIEMENS GAMESA RENEWABLE ENERGY ASTest, validate and optimise the manufacturing and assembly processes of three key components: blades, nacelle, and tower for offshore wind energy Invited for grant preparation
Unlocking a bio-based future by turning globally available waste biomass into renewable building blocks
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsSlovakiaLIXEA SWEDEN ABProduction of high-quality cellulose, lignin, and furfural from waste biomass. Invited for grant preparation
Industrialising eSMR for Biomethanol Production
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsNorwayFLEXFUELS ASElectrification Invited for grant preparation
The Plagazi Process: A Patented Plasma Gasification System to Turn Hard-to-Recycle Waste into Clean Hydrogen
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenSwedenKöping Hydrogen Park ABHydrogen production from non-recyclable waste; carbon capture for storage 

 Invited for grant preparation
Large-Scale Underground Tank Thermal Energy Storage as a Key Technology for Sustainable District Heating Systems
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy storageOther energy storageAustriaWIEN ENERGIE GMBHUnderground thermal energy storage 

 Invited for grant preparation
Biocarbon reductants for decarbonising the metallurgical industry
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesOtherNorwayCruda ASProduction of biocarbon for use in metallurgy Invited for grant preparation
The world’s most powerful tidal energy farm
IF23Call – PilotsRenewable energyHydro/Ocean energyFranceFLOWATTTidal energy Invited for grant preparation
Food waste Upcycling for Transformative Utilization in Renewable Environmental lactic acid
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsBelgium3PLWRecycling of food waste into biodegradable plastics Invited for grant preparation
Demonstration of the world’s first industrial-scale electric cracker for VCM production
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsNorwayINOVYN Norge ASElectrification

 Invited for grant preparation
Energy Observer 2 - The world's lowest carbon cargo ship in the world
IF23Call – PilotsNet-zero mobility and buildingsMaritimeFranceAssetCo EO2Liquid hydrogen cargo ship Invited for grant preparation
NextGen Thermal Tire Re-use
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsBelgiumBolder Industries BelgiumRecycling end-of-life tyres Invited for grant preparation
NH1 Raz-Blanchard
Raz-Blanchard project is the installation of four x 3MW underwater tidal turbine to generate electricity for a total output of 12MW.
IF23Call – PilotsRenewable energyHydro/Ocean energyFranceNormandie HydroliennesTidal Turbine Generator System (TTGS) Invited for grant preparation
IF23Call – PilotsNet-zero mobility and buildingsMaritimeItalyCOMPAGNIE DU PONANTHybrid passenger cruise ship powered by a combination of wind, liquid hydrogen (LH2) and bio-liquified natural gas (bio-LNG), Invited for grant preparation
Developpment of an innovative process to recover the lithium from end-of-life solid-state lithium-metal batteries (4th generation of battery)
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy-intensive industriesNon-ferrous MetalsFranceBLUE SOLUTIONSRecycling facility for lithium metal solid-state batteries Invited for grant preparation
The project will design, build, and validate a wind turbine with a new rotor design. The rotor design will enable commercially feasible wind turbines with an unprecedented high capacity factor.
IF23Call – PilotsRenewable energyWind energyDenmarkVESTAS WIND SYSTEMS A/SNew rotor wind turbine technology Invited for grant preparation
Norberg Mine Storage
Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant in a decommissioned mine
IF23Call – PilotsEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storageSwedenMine Storage International ABUnderground pumped storage hydropower (PSH) plant Invited for grant preparation
AETERNUS: Advanced ElecTrification and hEat Recovery for iNnovative prodUction of Sustainable glass2022-Small ScaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics & construction materialItaly Electrification Invited for grant preparation
BOOST: Back-to-MonOmer recycling of polymeric materialS using molten meTals2022-Small ScaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsItaly Recycling Grant signed
CUSTARD​: carbon Capture and Use at a STeel plant with an Advanced solution to Reach Decarbonisation2022-Small ScaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron & SteelItaly Carbon capture and utilisation Grant signed
EMETHANOLxWSolution: Next Generation tanker vessel powered by e-methanol and wind assisted propulsion2022-Small ScaleRenewable energyUse of renewable energy outside Annex ISweden, Finland, Norway E-methanol and wind assisted propulsion for maritime Grant signed
ERACLITUS​: Expanding the Range of Clinker Substitutes. Designing a Sustainable Future for Cement Sector2022-Small ScaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & LimeSpain Substitute products Grant signed
GEN2HU: GENERON 2.0 Integrated Solar Roof Tile2022-Small ScaleRenewable energyManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageHungary Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) Grant signed
HITeUP: Heat up Isover Transition to Electric Under Production2022-Small ScaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics & construction material​Italy Electrifiction Grant signed
LuGaZ: Local manUre and agri-food waste treatment for bioGAs and biofertiliZers production from Zero waste and circular economy perspective2022-Small ScaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesSpain Bio-energy: biogas and biofertilisers Grant signed
MAGNUS: Manufacturing of Glass through iNnovative hybridisation Up-Scaling2022-Small ScaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics & construction material​Italy Electrification Invited for grant preparation
MITIGAT​: MakIng susTaInable enerGy from heAT saving2022-Small ScaleEnergy storageOther energy storageFrance Smart grid Grant signed
RoboticRepair​: Robotic Wind Turbine Blade Repair System2022-Small ScaleRenewable energyManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageLatvia Wind energy maintenance Grant signed
RockStore: accessible and cost-effective thermal energy storage2022-Small ScaleEnergy storageOther energy storageDenmark Thermal energy storage Grant signed
S2H2​: Sludge-to-Hydrogen for a Circular Economy2022-Small ScaleHydrogen, Renewable Energy, Recycling/reuseHydrogenCroatia Renewable Hydrogen production from biological waste Grant signed
SHEEFT​: Solar HEliup Energy for Flat roofTop2022-Small ScaleRenewable energyManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageFrance Photovoltaic panels Grant signed
Solvent2Energ2022-Small ScaleOtherUse of renewable energy outside Annex I​Netherlands Bio-energy Grant signed
SUNAGRI Carbon Farm: Dynamic Agrivoltaic for Farm decarbonization and agriculture sustainability2022-Small ScaleRenewable energySolar energyFrance Photovoltaic panels in agriculture Grant signed
SUNBREWED: Solar eNergy for the BREWEry inDustry ​2022-Small ScaleRenewable energySolar energyGreece Solar thermal for industry Grant signed
BioOstrand: Biorefinery Östrand - The first commercial deployment of solid biomass-and-power-to- Sustainable Aviation Fuels technology line-up2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesSweden Bio-fuels
Sustainable Aviation Fuels
 Grant signed
GeZero: First German inland cement plant Geseke becomes net carbon negative by implementing a full CCS chain2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeGermany Carbon capture and storage Grant signed
H2Sines.Rdam: Maritime supply chain of renewable liquid hydrogen from the Port of Sines in Portugal to the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesPortugal, Netherlands Green Hydrogen production and use (400MW electrolyser; 747 MW PV, 430 MW wind via PPA) Withdrawn
IFESTOS: one of the largest carbon capture projects in Europe to enable the production of zero carbon cement & concrete and create decarbonization synergies with regional industries2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeGreece Carbon capture and storage Grant signed
IRIS: Innovative low caRbon hydrogen and methanol productIon by large Scale carbon capture2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesGreece Carbon capture and utilisation
E-methanol production
 Grant signed
KOdeCO net zero2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeCroatia Carbon capture and storage Grant signed
EVEREST: Improved calcination and carbon capture for the largest lime plant in Europe2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeGermany Carbon capture Grant signed
GO4ZERO: Towards a carbon negative large-scale clinker plant through first-ever demonstration of a groundbreaking flue gas recirculation & concentration-based concept paired with a full CCS solution2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement & limeBelgium Carbon capture and storage Grant signed
H2 Green Steel
2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron & steelSweden Hydrogen-based direct reduction of iron ore Grant signed
2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenPortugal Green hydrogen production Grant signed
eM-Rhone: electroMethanol-Rhône2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsFrance E-methanol production CCU Grant signed
T-HYNET: TARRAGONA NETWORK HYDROGEN2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenSpain Green hydrogen production Grant signed
Columbus: Columbus: A scalable and replicable solution to decarbonise industry by the combination of captured “fatal” CO2 from lime production with green hydrogen, to produce carbon-neutral synthetic e-methane2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesBelgium Carbon capture and utilisation
E-methane production
 Grant signed
GREEN MEIGA: Green Methanol in Galicia2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsSpain E-methanol production Grant signed
H2M: Production of large quantities of green hydrogen in the Maasvlakte region in the Netherlands through electrolysis.2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenNetherlands Green hydrogen production Withdrawn
ASTURIAS H2 VALLEY2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenSpain Green hydrogen production Grant signed
EnergHys2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenNetherlands Green hydrogen production Grant signed
TRISKELION: Green Methanol manufacturing from CO22022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesSpain E-methanol production Grant signed
HydrOxy: HydrOxy Hub Walsum2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenGermany Green hydrogen production
Renewable heat
 Grant signed
GAP: FFI Holmaneset -Green Ammonia Production to fill the GAP in Europe’s energy supply-2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsNorway Green ammonia production Grant signed
GRAMLI: Green Ammonia Linz2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsAustria Green ammonia production Grant signed
TopSOEC: Topsoe SOEC Stack Module Factory2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageDenmark Electrolyser components Grant signed
Lignode One: Lignode One: Sustainable bio-based anode material for batteries:2022 Large-scaleEnergy storageManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageFinland Battery components Withdrawn
ELAN: Upscaling Vianode innovative synthetic graphite production technology for a responsible electrification of Europe2022 Large-scaleEnergy storageManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageNorway Battery components Grant signed
SunRISE: NorSun AS: Resource efficient and highly innovative n-type mono-Silicon wafers for Europe2022 Large-scaleRenewable energyManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageNorway Photovoltaic wafers Grant signed
ELYAS: Smart ELectrolYsis Module manufacturing: upscaling with Automotive production technology and a Sustainability focus2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageGermany Electrolyser components Grant signed
HOPE: High-efficient Onshore PV module production in Europe2022 Large-scaleRenewable energyManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageGermany, Spain Photovoltaic modules Grant signed
GIGA-SCALES: GIGA-watt SCaling of advanced ALkaline water Electrolyser Separators2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageBelgium Electrolysers componentsGIGA-SCALES: smarter membranes for lower-cost hydrogen productionGrant signed
Giga Arctic:
Building a European future for clean batteries to accelerate the renewable energy transition
2022 Large-scaleEnergy storageManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageNorway Battery cells Grant signed
BBRT: BASF Battery Recycling Tarragona2022 Large-scaleEnergy storageNon-ferrous MetalsSpain Battery recycling materials Grant signed
HyNCREASE: Hydrogen-related Novel Components, Robotic Elements, and manufActuring Solutions for Electrolyzers and fuel cells2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenGermany Electrolysers and fuels cells components Grant signed
DAWN: 200MW Production of thin-film solar by Sweden2022 Large-scaleRenewable energyManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageSweden Thin-film for photovoltaic solar cells Grant signed
E-fuel Pilot: Innovative and cost-efficient production process for PtL using industrial off-gases2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesNorway E-fuels Grant signed
NEXTFLOAT PLUS: Next Generation Integrated Floating Wind Optimized for Deep Waters2022 Large-scaleRenewable energyWind energyFrance Floating offshore wind Grant signed
HIPPOW: Highly Innovative Prototype of the most Powerful Offshore Wind turbine generator2022 Large-scaleRenewable energyWind energyDenmark Offshore wind turbine generator prototype Grant signed
SEAWORTHY: Sustainable dispatchable Energy enabled by wAve-Wind OffshoRe plaTforms with onboard Hydrogen2022 Large-scaleRenewable energyHydro/Ocean energySpain Wave-wind energy Grant signed
Volta Project: Hybrid mid-sized pilot furnace for flat glass2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics & construction materialCzechia Electrification Grant signed
MoReTec-1: Fully electrified chemical recycling of plastic waste for deep decarbonisation of the polymer industry2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsGermany Circularity Grant signed
CFCPILOT4CCS: CFC Pilot for CCS2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenNetherlands Carbon capture Grant signed
SC-HOOP: Sustainable Chemical recycling through HOOP technology2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsItaly Recycling Grant signed
SAO: The Saoirse Wave Energy Project2022 Large-scaleRenewable energyHydro/Ocean energyIreland Wave energy Grant signed
GREENLAROBLA: Green H2 Production at La Robla2022 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenSpain Green hydrogen production Grant signed
CO2ncrEAT: Integrated low carbon footprint solution for cement-free building products by using exhaust CO2 gas from lime manufacturing plant and wasted by-product from stainless steel production2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics and construction materialBelgium CO2 use and permanent sequestration in building materials, Substitute products Grant signed
CIRQLAR: Low temperature heat recovery and upgrade for industrial use by heat pumps2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesOtherSpain Waste heat recovery and upgrade Grant signed
BEAR: A first of a kind HyBrid REgenerative glAss fuRnace2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics and construction materialSlovenia Hybrid glass furnace; electrification Grant signed
SOL: Sugar: the gOdfather of fueLs2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesNetherlands Using sugar for producing a sustainable marine fuel blend component for heavy fuel oil Grant signed
InnoSolveGreen: Demonstrating a novel Energy-as-a-Service solution for industrial sector energy consumers2021 Small-scaleEnergy storageOther energy storageLithuania Solar PV-plus-storage systemInnoSolveGreen: brewing beer with solar powerGrant signed
Listlawelbattcool: An energy and resource efficient battery cooler technology2021 Small-scaleEnergy storageManufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storageCzechia, France, Spain Battery cooler technology for Electric Vehicles Grant signed
HyPush: Construction of a fuel cell pusher boat operating with two hydrogen fuel cells and a lithium battery designed for inland river navigation2021 Small-scaleRenewable energyUse of renewable energy outside Annex I of the EU ETS DirectiveFrance Hydrogen-powered pusher boat for inland river navigation Grant signed
VOZARTEK: Initiating the Production of Green Hydrogen for Transport and Other Applications in the Czech Republic2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesCzechia Hydrogen production by electrolysis powered by solar PV and biomass combined heat and power (CHP) Grant signed
HFP: A first of a kind Hybrid Furnace Project for glass wool production2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics and construction materialNetherlands Hybrid glass wool furnace; electrification Grant signed
CLYNGAS: first of a kind technology to Substitute petroleum coke in the cement industry by synthesis gas (syngas) generated from gasification of stabilized refused derived fuels2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement and limeSpain Syngas from waste residues Grant signed
PRIMUS: Prime Manufacturing of crystal glass under innovative Solution2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics and construction materialItaly Hybrid furnace and waste heat recovery Grant signed
AGRIVOLTAIC CANOPY: The Brouchy Agrivoltaic Canopy - An acceleration toward energy transition2021 Small-scaleRenewable energySolar energyFrance Photovoltaic panels in agricultureAgrivoltaic Canopy: crops and solar panels sharing sunlightGrant signed
SUSTAIN-SEA: Reducing maritime transport CO2 emissions using wind2021 Small-scaleRenewable energyWind energySpain Reducing fuel consumption in maritime transport through wind energy. Grant signed
GeoHuberila: An innovative heating and cooling system for Huberila2021 Small-scaleRenewable energyGeothermal energyFinland Geothermal heating and cooling system Withdrawn
GreenH2CY: Green Hydrogen Project for Transport in Cyprus2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesCyprus Green hydrogen for transport applications Grant signed
VITRUM: Virtuous Innovative Transformation of high-quality container glass manufacturing2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics and construction materialItaly Hybridization, energy efficiency, circularity, digitalisation and automation solutions Grant signed
GreenH2: Small-scale green hydrogen production facility2021 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenPoland Hydrogen production through 1 MW electrolyser + photovoltaic plant + energy management system + waste heat recovery system Grant signed
HH: Holland Hydrogen2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenNetherlands Hydrogen production through 400MW electrolyser + offshore wind energy Grant signed
PULSE: Pretreatment and Upgrading of Liquefied waste plastic to Scale up circular Economy2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsFinland Chemical recycling of waste plastics – feedstock for refinery Grant signed
N2OWF: Nordsee Two Offshore Windfarm Innovation Project2021 Large-scaleRenewable energyWind energyGermany 450 MW offshore wind with 15 MW turbines + electrolyser Grant signed
FUREC: Fuse, Reuse, Recycle2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenNetherlands Waste to hydrogen Grant signed
ReLieVe: Recycling Li-ion Batteries for electric vehicles2021 Large-scaleEnergy storageManufacturing of components for energy storageFrance Li-ion Battery recycling for production and refining of black mass Grant signed
C2B: Carbon2Business2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement and limeGermany Oxy-fuel + carbon capture; carbon use for methanol production Grant signed
BIOZIN: Conversion of waste and residue BIOmass from Norwegian forestry and sawmills to advanced low carbon fuels for Zero emission transportation INdustry2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesNorway Second-generation biofuels (drop-in) & biochar from forestry waste Terminated
RISE: Rec Innovation at Sarreguemines Enterprise2021 Large-scaleRenewable energyManufacturing for components for solar energyFrance Solar PV HJT cells manufacturing 2 GW Withdrawn
ANRAV: ANRAV-CCUS, an innovative stakeholder supported CCUS value-chain to realize the first CCUS-cluster in Eastern Europe, supporting the Balkan region to reach it’s climate goals by 20302021 Large-scaleCarbon capture and storageCement and limeBulgaria Oxy-fuel + CCS Grant signed
Coda Terminal: Coda by Carbfix - a highly scalable, cost effective CO2 mineral storage hub2021 Large-scaleCarbon capture and storageCO2 transport and storageIceland Carbon storage: carbon mineralization in onshore basalt formation Grant signed
AIR: Production of sustainable methanol as raw material for chemical products by first-of-a-kind Carbon Capture and Utilization process integrated with world scale electrolysis unit2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsSweden Methanol production from renewable hydrogen and carbon capture Grant signed
HySkies: A partnership to develop Sustainable Aviation Fuel2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesSweden Synthetic aviation fuels from RES H2 and CC Terminated
ELYgator: Kick-starting a renewable hydrogen value chain for industry and mobility: highly integrated, flexible large-scale 200MW water electrolyser producing renewable hydrogen and oxygen.2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenNetherlands Hydrogen production through 200MW electrolyser Grant signed
NorthSTOR PLUS: Industrialising Green Optimised Li-ion Battery Systems for ESS2021 Large-scaleEnergy storageManufacturing of components for energy storagePoland GW scale manufacturing of battery energy storageThe Northstor+ story: introducing the world’s greenest battery - VideoGrant signed
IONFibre: First-of-its-kind commercial plant producing new sustainable textile fibres applying novel green chemistry2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsFinland Textile fibre from pulp to replace polyester Withdrawn
GO4ECOPLANET: KUJAWY GO4ECOPLANET2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement and limePoland Cryocap carbon capture technology + CCS Grant signed
CalCC: First industrial-scale carbon capture for lime production integrated with shared pipeline transport of dense phase CO2 to coastal hub for shipping to geological storage in the North Sea2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement and limeFrance Cryocap carbon capture technology + CCS Grant signed
EAVOR LOOP2021 Large-scaleRenewable energyGeothermal energyGermany Closed loop technology using geothermal energyThe EAVORLOOP story: harnessing the Earth’s energy for a greener transitionGrant signed
OLYMPUS2021 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement and limeGreece Partial oxy-fuel carbon capture technology + CCS Grant signed
TANGO: ITaliAN PV Giga FactOry2020 Large-scaleRenewable energySolar energyItaly Solar PV B-HJT cells and Tandem modules manufacturing 3GWThe TANGO story: Towards the largest solar factory in Europe - VideoGrant signed
K6 Program2020 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCement and limeFrance Carbon capture and storage and Carbon capture and utilisation (CO2 incorporated in concrete) Grant signed
Beccs Stockholm: Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage by Stockholm Exergy2020 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesBiofuels and biorefineriesSweden Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)Beccs Stockholm: delivering net carbon removals with clean energyGrant signed
ECOPLANTA: Reduction of CO2 Emissions from municipal non-recyclable waste to produce methanol2020 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsSpain Waste to chemicals and fuels (methanol)Ecoplanta: recycling non-recyclable wasteGrant signed
HYBRIT demonstration: Swedish large-scale steel value chain demonstration of Hydrogen Breakthrough Iron-making Technologies2020 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron and steelSweden Hydrogen-based iron and steelmaking, 500 MW electrolyser, electric arc furnaceThe HYBRIT story: unlocking the secret of green steel productionGrant signed
SHARC: Sustainable Hydrogen and Recovery of Carbon2020 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenFinland Hydrogen with electrolysis and with CCS (green and blue hydrogen) Grant signed
Kairos@C: Building strong momentum for massive decarbonisation in the EU through a unique end-to-end CCS project2020 Large-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesCO2 capture and storageBelgium Carbon capture and storage Grant signed
AAL SEB: Demonstration of the use of flexible electrical demand to assist Electrical grid facilitate higher levels of renewable power2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesNon-ferrous metalsIreland Electrification (High- pressure electric boiler) Grant signed
AGGREGACO2: Fabrication of CO2 negative AGGREGAtes based on disruptive accelerated carbonation processes fuelled by carbon capture in refineries2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics and construction materialSpain Carbon negative aggregates; carbon capture Grant signed
BCP: Batch and Cullet Preheating technology first-of-a-kind, commercial-scale demonstration towards decarbonization of flat glass production2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesGlass, ceramics and construction materialFrance Waste heat recovery and use Terminated
EB UV: EB/UV curing without Gas2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesIron and steelFrance Electron-beam curing of solvent-free painElectron Beam and Ultra Violet project already reducing GHG emissions in EuropeGrant signed
FirstBio2Shipping: First Bio-LNG to Marine Shipping2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesBiofuels and bio-refineriesNetherlands Bio-liquefied natural gas for marine shipping Grant signed
W4W: Waga 4 World2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesBiofuels and bio-refineriesSpain Biomethane from landfill gasW4W: Upgrading landfill gas into grid-compliant biomethane in SpainGrant signed
H2 Valcamonica: Green hydrogen for the decarbonisation of Valcamonica2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenItaly Green hydrogen as a rail fuel Grant signed
HYVALUE: Novel upcycling production process based on an innovative circular business model for urban waste streams valorisation for the generation of high quality H22020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenSpain Waste to hydrogen through pyrolysis Grant signed
SUN2HY: First small-scale deployment (fsd) of a pre-commercial plant based on photoelectrocatalytic technology for hydrogen production2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenSpain Photoelectrocatalytic technology for hydrogen production Terminated
ZE PAK green H2: Investment in 5 MW green hydrogen production facility located in Konin, Poland2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesHydrogenPoland Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysers Grant signed
LK2BM: Conversion of a pulp mill fuel source to biomass2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesPulp and paperPortugal Biomass as fuel for pulp mill Grant signed
TFFFTP: Towards a Fossil Fuel Free Tissue Production2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesPulp and paperSweden Bio-syngas production connected to paper machine Grant signed
SKFOAAS: SKF Recondoil as a Service2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesRefineriesSpain Recycling of industrial oilThe SKFOAAS story: a new circular technology on oil regeneration for European industry and climateGrant signed
TLP: Thermoplastic lignin production - Creating a green industry to replace fossil-based plastics2020 Small-scaleEnergy-intensive industriesChemicalsSweden Biomaterial to replace polyethylen Terminated
Aquilon: Airborne wind hybrid renewable microgrid with RedOX Flow battery to provide flat renewable energy to an industrial site2020 Small-scaleRenewable energyWind energyGermany Airborne wind energy (AWE) production and redox-flow battery Grant signed
NAWEP@ Norse Airborne Wind Energy Project2020 Small-scaleRenewable energyWind energyNorway Airborne wind energy (AWE) Grant signed
CCGeo: Closed Carbon Geothermal Energy2020 Small-scaleRenewable energyRenewable heating/ coolingCroatia Closed-loop geothermal power plant Terminated
WH: Water Horizon Renewable Energy Solution2020 Small-scaleRenewable energyRenewable heating/ coolingFrance Waste heat recovery Grant signed
DMC: Decarbomalt Croatia2020 Small-scaleRenewable energyRenewable heating/ coolingCroatia Solar heat plant and storage facility for the malt industry Terminated
CO2-FrAMed: CO2-Free Agriculture for the Mediterranean region2020 Small-scaleRenewable energySolar energySpain Photovoltaic irrigation systems (PVI) Grant signed
HELEXIO line: Demonstrating manufacturing for innovative BIPV roof components2020 Small-scaleRenewable energySolar energyFrance Building Integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) technology Grant signed
CarBatteryReFactory: Assembly plant for serial production of industrial energy storage systems based on second-life car batteries and disruptive full-pack technology.2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageOther energy storageGermany Battery reuseCarBatteryReFactory: giving used car batteries a second lifeGrant signed
Green Foil project: Low CO2 footprint battery foil for Li-ion battery2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageOther energy storageSweden Manufacturing of aluminium foil for Li-ion batteries Grant signed
GREENMOTRIL: Development and operation of a GREEN energy community in the port of MOTRIL2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageOther energy storageSpain Fully renewable and self- Managed Motril seaport Grant signed
DrossOne V2G Parking: Large-scale vehicle-to-grid system with integrated stationary storage: harnessing EV batteries and their fast response to deliver grid services, currently provided by highly polluting gas plants2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storageItaly Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) system Grant signed
EVVE: First European Large-Scale Vehicle-To-Grid Demonstrator for an efficient decarbonisation of the energy sector2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storageFrance Vehicle-to-Grid; Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Grant signed
GtF: Green the Flex: Achieving significant greenhouse gas emission reductions by intelligent electricity load shifting on the customer level2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storageAustria Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Grant signed
NorthFlex: Decarbonising temporary power & flexible storage2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storagePoland, Sweden Scale-up a lithium-ion battery energy storage system (BESS) Grant signed
PIONEER: airPort sustaInability secONd lifE battEry stoRage2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storageItaly Battery reuse for energy storage Grant signed
Silverstone: Full-scale CO2 capture and mineral storage2020 Small-scaleCarbon capture and storageCO2 transport and storageIceland Mineral storage of CO2Silverstone: mimicking nature’s way to transform CO2 into stoneGrant signed
e-PROOF - Integrated Battery Power for MS Piret – E-PROOF – Electric Propulsion for Ferry2020 Small-scaleEnergy storageIntra-day electricity storageEstonia Battery-powered ferry Withdrawn
Maxair - Revolutionary Lightweight & Performant Conformable Solar Panels, with Racking Free Installation for Efficient Avoidance of GHG Emission2020 Small-scaleRenewable energySolar energyFrance Manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) modules Withdrawn