In the EU, polluters have to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions via the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). The money raised via this system is reinvested into the Innovation Fund: one of the world’s largest funding programmes for innovative low-carbon technologies.
What kind of projects does the Innovation Fund support? Check out the table below to learn more.
In the Technology pathways column, you can find the different technologies projects are using to reduce greenhouses gas emissions. For projects that are already being implemented, you can find quantitative information on the dashboards.
In the Project stories column, you can find dedicated stories to illustrate how projects are supporting people and businesses across the EU. More project stories will be available soon.
Project | Type | Category | Sector | Location | Technology pathways | Project stories | Status |
eNRG Lahti | IF23Auction - renewable hydrogen | Renewable Hydrogen production (auction) | Hydrogen | Finland | Electrolytic renewable hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
Grey2Green-II | IF23Auction - renewable hydrogen | Renewable Hydrogen production (auction) | Hydrogen | Portugal | Electrolytic renewable hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
HYSENCIA | IF23Auction - renewable hydrogen | Renewable Hydrogen production (auction) | Hydrogen | Spain | Electrolytic renewable hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
SKIGA | IF23Auction - renewable hydrogen | Renewable Hydrogen production (auction) | Hydrogen | Norway | Electrolytic renewable hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
Catalina | IF23Auction - renewable hydrogen | Renewable Hydrogen production (auction) | Hydrogen | Spain | Electrolytic renewable hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
MP2X | IF23Auction - renewable hydrogen | Renewable Hydrogen production (auction) | Hydrogen | Portugal | Electrolytic renewable hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
CO2LLECT Innovation in Carbon Capture and Transport | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | Germany | Carbon capture for storage | Grant signed | |
StarFish Sequestration Technology and Reservoir: Floating Injection and Storage Havstjerne | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Norway | Offshore CO2 storage | Grant signed | |
TarraCO2-Storage TarraCO2, the reduction of CO2 emissions through geological storage, a catalyst of the CO2 market | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Spain | Offshore CO2 storage | Grant signed | |
CarboClearTech CarboClearTech | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | France | Carbon capture for storage | Grant signed | |
H2HubEmden Hydrogen and heat production with a 200 MW electrolyser and large-scale heat pumps on an existing power plant site in Emden | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Germany | Renewable hydrogen production and heat for district heating from waste heat recovery | Grant signed | |
ZESTA Zero Emission Steelmaking at ArcelorMittal | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron & steel | Belgium | Direct Reduction Iron (DRI with 2 Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF)) and Blast Furnace (BF) steel making and onsite production of renewable hydrogen | Grant signed | |
HERMES Hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft Manufactured in Europe for Sustainable aviation | IF23Call – General large-scale | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Aviation | France | Hybrid electric regional aircraft | Grant signed | |
ReOil 25000 ReOil 25000 | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Austria | Chemical recycling plant for plastics | Grant signed | |
3D Fibre Functional, safe, and sustainable 3D wood fibre-based packaging innovation to replace plastics in food and food service packaging | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Finland | Sustainable packaging solution | Grant signed | |
GAIA GAIA: Green Ammonia In Asturias. | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Spain | Green ammonia for fertiliser production | Grant signed | |
eNRG Kotka eNRG Kotka spearheads sector integration, unlocking unparalleled value through cutting-edge power-to-gas technology | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Finland | E-methane from RFNBO hydrogen for the heavy transportation sector and district heating | Grant signed | |
H2BE H2BE: the first 1GW low-carbon H2 production facility to enable and accelerate industrial decarbonisation, critical H2/CO2 infrastructure realisation and H2 market development in Northern Europe. | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Belgium | Low-carbon hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
LaunchStores LaunchStores4AramisCCS | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Netherlands | Offshore CO2 storage | Grant signed | |
bicEPS Boosting Implementation of Cleantech Electric Power Steering | IF23Call – General large-scale | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Road transport | Germany | Hydrostatic electric power steering system for heavy-duty commercial vehicle | Grant signed | |
ENHANCE European Network for Hydrogen and Ammonia Carbon-Neutral Energy - Gateway for Hydrogen | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Belgium | RFNBO ammonia and liquefaction of renewable hydrogen | Grant signed | |
GreenWave Replicative Approach to e-Methanol Production Scaling | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Denmark | e-Methanol production plant for the shipping sector | Grant signed | |
MODUS MicrOwave Depolymerization UpScaling: | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Spain | Recycling system for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to produce circular PET and polyester for the packaging and textile industries. | Grant signed | |
INNOZHERO Innovation for Zero Emissions in Helsingborg | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Sweden | Carbon capture and storage (CCS) at a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant | Grant signed | |
ACCSION ACCSION - Aalborg Portland Carbon Capture and Storage using Infrastructure Onshore in North Jutland | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | Denmark | CO2 capture for storage | Grant signed | |
H2M Eemshaven: Kick starting the EU hydrogen value chain by realizing a 1,000 MW low-carbon hydrogen production plant in the Eemshaven (NL) industrial area. | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Netherlands | Low-carbon hydrogen production | Invited for grant preparation | |
GRHENA: Green heat generation hub at the Chemical Industrial Park of Tarragona | IF23Call – General large-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | Spain | Green heat | Invited for grant preparation | |
ARCaDe: Antwerp Refinery Carbon capture and DeNOx | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Belgium | Carbon capture and storage | Invited for grant preparation | |
LARS: First European large-scale integrated pre-treatment and chemical recycling plant for mixed plastic waste to generate pyrolysis oil as an alternative raw material for fossil-based raw materials | IF23Call – General large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Germany | Chemical recycling for mixed plastic waste | Invited for grant preparation | |
Greensand Future Greensand Future: contributing to EU’s CO2 emissions reduction target by establishing critical EU storage capacity | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Denmark | CO2 transport and storage | Grant signed | |
CapturEste CapturEste - Carbon Capture to Decarbonize Herambiente Ferrara Waste-to-Energy Plant | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Italy | Enzymatic carbon capture technology at a Waste-to-Energy plant for offshore CO2 storage | Grant signed | |
Danube Removals Danube Onshore Fermentation Carbon Removals | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Hungary | CO2 capture from biorefinery, transport and onshore storage | Grant signed | |
CORMORANT Large-scale manufacturing faCility Of innovative electRic MOtors for maRitime trANsporTs | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Maritime | Norway | Manufacturing electric powerheads, a component of electric propulsion systems for small vessels. | Withdrawn | |
CT Quarry Circular Technology Quarry: Providing green materials for more sustainable construction | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics & construction material | Spain | Recycling process residues into new secondary raw materials | Grant signed | |
AdriatiCO2 Marcegaglia AdriatiCO2 | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron & steel | Italy | Carbon capture for storage | Grant signed | |
Re-Tyre CO2 Sustainable Recycling of waste tyres through a CO2-saving pyrolytic process: production of new alternative fuel, carbon black and circular gas utilization | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Italy | Recycling end-of-life tyres through pyrolysis | Grant signed | |
RAD4AL Installing A Radiation Curing Coil Coating Line At A New Elval Colour Facility Designed For The Coating Of Products Made Out Of Aluminium | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Non-ferrous Metals | Greece | Ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (Ebeam) curing techniques for aluminium | Grant signed | |
BigBATT Large-scale Battery Deployment in Generation Platform | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Intra-day electricity storage | Portugal | Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) | Grant signed | |
INDIGO First of a kind hybrid decarbonisation platform for passenger ship – space, time and cost-efficient retrofitting with improved operational efficiency and reduction of emissions and impacts | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Maritime | Italy | Retrofitting of an existing passenger vessel to run on e-methanol, using a hybrid decarbonisation platform | Grant signed | |
HydroGreen Greening the Production of Hydrogen Peroxide | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Finland | 30 MW electrolyzer for production of hydrogen peroxide | Withdrawn | |
AMBASSADOR AMBASSADOR: closed-loop installation for sustAinable production of bioMethane, BioCO2 And biofertilizerS a new StandArD fOr zeRo waste economy | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Poland | Biomethane production and carbon capture and purification system | Grant signed | |
REACH REACH REMOTE | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Maritime | Norway | Autonomous, unmanned offshore service vessel and a fully electric Remotely Operated Vehicle | Grant signed | |
H2ydroShuttle First of a kind high-speed zero emission short sea container service powered by multi-megawatt liquefied RFNBO hydrogen fuel cells | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Maritime | Netherlands | Two new container vessels powered by multi-megawatt fuel cells running on liquefied RFNBO hydrogen | Grant signed | |
SOVALIS SOlar farm and VAnadium LIthium Storage | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Renewable energy | Intra-day electricity storage | France | Hybrid energy storage system combining lithium-ion and vanadium redox flow batteries, directly linked to a large-scale solar PV farm | Grant signed | |
SPACE CarbonSmart Factory: Skövde Plant Approaching Carbon Elimination (SPACE) | IF23Call – General medium-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron & steel | Sweden | Electrification and heat recovery of secondary steel furnaces for engine manufacturing | Grant signed | |
BACCO Biofiller Agro-industrial Can Change hOrizon | IF23Call – General small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Italy | Bio-fillers for the plastics industry | Grant signed | |
BESS4HYDRO Battery Energy Storage System for HYDROpower | IF23Call – General small-scale | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | Italy | Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) integrated in an existing Storage Hydropower Plant (SHP) | Grant signed | |
LocaCloud Brescia QARNOT Innovative Distributed Data Centre designed to retrieve and exploit waste heat for integration into Brescia district heating network | IF23Call – General small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Italy | Heat recovery from data centres for the district heating network | Grant signed | |
FELIX First total ELectrification In large-scale luXury glass production | IF23Call – General small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics & construction material | Spain | Electrification | Grant signed | |
Floating Sky Floating Sky: FUSIO demonstrator | IF23Call – General small-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | Belgium | Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) plant | Grant signed | |
PVORELLANA Agrovoltaic Technology Demonstration Plant on Orellana Canal | IF23Call – General small-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | Spain | Photovoltaic energy generation plant installed over canals and water delivery infrastructure | Withdrawn | |
DMC2 Combined renewable heat plant - solar thermal, storage, heat recovery and heat pumps - achieving 80% decarbonisation of the heat supply for an industrial malt producing facility in Croatia | IF23Call – General small-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | Croatia | Solar themal plant and storage facility for the malt industry | Grant signed | |
LowCO2bars Decarbonizing the manufacturing of steel bars by innovative IHMS electric heating systems | IF23Call – General small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron & steel | Italy | Electrification | Grant signed | |
GRAND PIANO GeneRating and UpscAling iNnovation in green hyDrogen Production: boostIng PEM and AEM techNologies in EurOpe | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Belgium | PEM electrolyser components | Grant signed | |
HSS-Gen2 Voith Plug&Drive Hydrogen Storage System (Gen 2) | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for ES | Germany | Hydrogen storage system for use in heavy duty trucks | Grant signed | |
Next.Gen.Wind Next Generation Wind powertrain production | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Germany | Powertrains for wind turbines | Grant signed | |
NEMO Next-Generation European Union Manufacturing for Offshore wind | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Denmark | Offshore wind turbines | Grant signed | |
Project Sagitta Project Sagitta - Scalable Automated Gigawatt Initiative for Technology That Accelerates decarbonization | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Norway | PEM electrolyser components | Grant signed | |
CAMELIA Cathode active material manufacturing for LFP lithium-ion batteries | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for ES | Finland | Battery Cathode Active Material (CAM) | Withdrawn | |
MOD4PV Gigawatt scale assembly plant of disruptive technology PV modules | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Spain | 1.5GW Heterojunction (HJT) photovoltaic (PV) modules | Grant signed | |
CALLUNA Automized manufacturing of pressurized alkaline electrolyser | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Norway | Pressurised alkaline electrolysers | Grant signed | |
GALLICAM GALLICAM | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for ES | France | Battery precursor cathode active material (pCAM) | Grant signed | |
RESILIENCE Revolutionizing Energy: Scaling manufacturing of Innovative, reversibLe, hIghly EfficieNt, Carbon-nEgative power plants | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Germany | Manufacturing of reversible power plants for biogas with very high electrical efficiency (80%), carbon capturing and energy storage based on the use of reversible Solid Oxide Cells (rSOC) | Grant signed | |
NorthCYCLE Industrializing a green process for battery raw material recycling | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for ES | Sweden | Hydrometallurgical battery recycling | Withdrawn | |
ELCOI ELCO I: Solid Oxide Cell and Stack Manufacturing facility | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Estonia | SOEC Electrolyser components | Grant signed | |
FENICE Futurasun advancEd italiaN manufacturIng Centre | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Italy | PV modules | Grant signed | |
FicH2tel Ballard Power System's Fuel Cell Hydrogen Technology Engine Location | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Germany | Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells for road transport | Grant signed | |
LiTH.OS LiTH.OS CELL: establishing dedicated Lithium Operations in South Europe to serve the ESS and industrial mobility markets | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for ES | Greece | Battery cells | Withdrawn | |
H2ManuNet First-of-a-kind Modular and Highly replicable factory to deploy a distributed European GW scale manufacturing network supplying Cost-Effective AEM electrolyser technology | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Italy | Anion exchange membrane (AEM) electrolysers | Withdrawn | |
PM Hy-Factory Proton smart factory: Automated series production of unique Proton Motor fuel cell stacks and systems for stationary and mobile applications | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Germany | Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks and systems | Withdrawn | |
RHyno ADVENT RHyno - Renewable Hydrogen Innovative Technologies project | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Greece | High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (HTPEM) fuel cells components and systems, and proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser systems. | Grant signed | |
TalnodeONE Establishing Europe's First Natural Graphite Anode Production Facility for Sustainable Lithium-Ion Batteries | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for ES | Sweden | Anode material for lithium-ion batteries | Grant signed | |
Battolyser Factory 1 A first-of-its-kind 1GW Battolyser® factory to manufacture a next-generation 100% flexible electrolyser and battery that produces the lowest-cost green hydrogen | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Netherlands | Electrolyser combined with battery functionalities production | Grant signed | |
HTEM300 High Temperature Electrolyser Manufacturing 300MW/a (HTEM300) | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Germany | Electrolyser components (Solid Oxide Electrolyser Electrolyte Supported Cell (SOE-ESC) stack modules) | Grant signed | |
NEFO Norvento Enerxía Factory Zero - Factory of Equipment for Energy Generation and Storage | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for ES | Spain | Wind turbines, advanced battery storage units, and modern power converters | Grant signed | |
H2-GIGA Large scale production of high performing electrodes | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for EII | Denmark | Alkaline electrolyser components | Grant signed | |
WINDPL Sustainable manufacturing facility for XXL offshore wind towers | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Poland | Components for Offshore Wind Towers | Grant signed | |
CircularSteam Demonstration of modular 50 MW manufacturing plant for industrial steam heat pumps to decarbonize small - to - medium scale EU ETS I & II facilities | IF23Call – Manufacturing | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Belgium | Industrial high-temperature heat pumps (HTHP) | Grant signed | |
HYODE HYdrogen Offshore DunkerquE | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | France | Coupling of offshore wind farms with offshore PEM electrolyser | Grant signed | |
PIVOT PIloting and Validating the manufacturing and assembly of the most powerful Offshore wind Turbine generator | IF23Call – Pilots | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for RES | Denmark | Test, validate and optimise the manufacturing and assembly processes of three key components: blades, nacelle, and tower for offshore wind energy | Grant signed | |
L1X Unlocking a bio-based future by turning globally available waste biomass into renewable building blocks | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Slovakia | Production of high-quality cellulose, lignin, and furfural from waste biomass. | Grant signed | |
eReform Industrialising eSMR for Biomethanol Production | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Norway | Electrification | Grant signed | |
GCP Gävle Circular Park | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Sweden | Hydrogen production from non-recyclable waste; carbon capture for storage | Grant signed | |
ScaleUp Large-Scale Underground Tank Thermal Energy Storage as a Key Technology for Sustainable District Heating Systems | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy storage | Other energy storage | Austria | Underground thermal energy storage | Grant signed | |
MetZero Biocarbon reductants for decarbonising the metallurgical industry | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Norway | Production of biocarbon for use in metallurgy | Grant signed | |
FloWatt The world’s most powerful tidal energy farm | IF23Call – Pilots | Renewable energy | Hydro/Ocean energy | France | Tidal energy | Grant signed | |
FUTURE Food waste Upcycling for Transformative Utilization in Renewable Environmental lactic acid | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Belgium | Recycling of food waste into biodegradable plastics | Grant signed | |
ELECTRA Demonstration of the world’s first industrial-scale electric cracker for VCM production | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Norway | Electrification | Grant signed | |
EO2 Energy Observer 2 - The world's lowest carbon cargo ship in the world | IF23Call – Pilots | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Maritime | France | Liquid hydrogen cargo ship | Grant signed | |
N2TR NextGen Thermal Tire Re-use | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Belgium | Recycling end-of-life tyres | Grant signed | |
NH1 Raz-Blanchard Raz-Blanchard project is the installation of four x 3MW underwater tidal turbine to generate electricity for a total output of 12MW. | IF23Call – Pilots | Renewable energy | Hydro/Ocean energy | France | Tidal Turbine Generator System (TTGS) | Grant signed | |
Swap2Zero Swap2Zero | IF23Call – Pilots | Net-zero mobility and buildings | Maritime | France | Hybrid passenger cruise ship powered by a combination of wind, liquid hydrogen (LH2) and bio-liquified natural gas (bio-LNG), | Grant signed | |
RGEN4 Developpment of an innovative process to recover the lithium from end-of-life solid-state lithium-metal batteries (4th generation of battery) | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Non-ferrous Metals | France | Recycling facility for lithium metal solid-state batteries | Grant signed | |
CASTRO The project will design, build, and validate a wind turbine with a new rotor design. The rotor design will enable commercially feasible wind turbines with an unprecedented high capacity factor. | IF23Call – Pilots | Renewable energy | Wind energy | Denmark | New rotor wind turbine technology | Grant signed | |
Norberg Mine Storage Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant in a decommissioned mine | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | Sweden | Underground pumped storage hydropower (PSH) plant | Grant signed | |
VianaWave: Accelerating the transition to net zero with large-scale generation of clean electricity from ocean waves | IF23Call – Pilots | Renewable energy | Hydro/Ocean energy | Portugal, Sweden | Wave energy | Invited for grant preparation | |
CHO-WAVE: Energy Community for Hydrogen On-site Production from Wind and AgriVoltaics for Industry DEcarbonisation | IF23Call – Pilots | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Luxembourg | Green Hydrogen production | Invited for grant preparation | |
HyLOADER: Hydrogen Powered Loader for Mining and Other Applications – A Pilot Manufacturing Project | IF23Call – Pilots | Other | Czechia | Hydrogen-powered loader | Withdrawn | ||
AETERNUS: Advanced ElecTrification and hEat Recovery for iNnovative prodUction of Sustainable glass | 2022-Small Scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics & construction material | Italy | Electrification | Withdrawn | |
BOOST: Back-to-MonOmer recycling of polymeric materialS using molten meTals | 2022-Small Scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Italy | Recycling | Grant signed | |
CUSTARD: carbon Capture and Use at a STeel plant with an Advanced solution to Reach Decarbonisation | 2022-Small Scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron & Steel | Italy | Carbon capture and utilisation | Grant signed | |
EMETHANOLxWSolution: Next Generation tanker vessel powered by e-methanol and wind assisted propulsion | 2022-Small Scale | Renewable energy | Use of renewable energy outside Annex I | Sweden, Finland | E-methanol and wind assisted propulsion for maritime | eMETHANOLxWSolution: advancing sustainable maritime innovation in Northern Europe | Grant signed |
ERACLITUS: Expanding the Range of Clinker Substitutes. Designing a Sustainable Future for Cement Sector | 2022-Small Scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & Lime | Spain | Substitute products | Grant signed | |
GEN2HU: GENERON 2.0 Integrated Solar Roof Tile | 2022-Small Scale | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Hungary | Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) | Grant signed | |
HITeUP: Heat up Isover Transition to Electric Under Production | 2022-Small Scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics & construction material | Italy | Electrifiction | Grant signed | |
LuGaZ: Local manUre and agri-food waste treatment for bioGAs and biofertiliZers production from Zero waste and circular economy perspective | 2022-Small Scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Spain | Bio-energy: biogas and biofertilisers | Grant signed | |
MAGNUS: Manufacturing of Glass through iNnovative hybridisation Up-Scaling | 2022-Small Scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics & construction material | Italy | Electrification | Grant signed | |
MITIGAT: MakIng susTaInable enerGy from heAT saving | 2022-Small Scale | Energy storage | Other energy storage | France | Smart grid | Grant signed | |
RoboticRepair: Robotic Wind Turbine Blade Repair System | 2022-Small Scale | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Latvia | Wind energy maintenance | Grant signed | |
RockStore: accessible and cost-effective thermal energy storage | 2022-Small Scale | Energy storage | Other energy storage | Denmark | Thermal energy storage | Grant signed | |
S2H2: Sludge-to-Hydrogen for a Circular Economy | 2022-Small Scale | Hydrogen, Renewable Energy, Recycling/reuse | Hydrogen | Croatia | Renewable Hydrogen production from biological waste | Grant signed | |
SHEEFT: Solar HEliup Energy for Flat roofTop | 2022-Small Scale | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | France | Photovoltaic panels | Grant signed | |
Solvent2Energ | 2022-Small Scale | Other | Use of renewable energy outside Annex I | Netherlands | Bio-energy | Grant signed | |
SUNAGRI Carbon Farm: Dynamic Agrivoltaic for Farm decarbonization and agriculture sustainability | 2022-Small Scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | France | Photovoltaic panels in agriculture | Grant signed | |
SUNBREWED: Solar eNergy for the BREWEry inDustry | 2022-Small Scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | Greece | Solar thermal for industry | Grant signed | |
BioOstrand: Biorefinery Östrand - The first commercial deployment of solid biomass-and-power-to- Sustainable Aviation Fuels technology line-up | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Sweden | Bio-fuels e-fuels Sustainable Aviation Fuels | Grant signed | |
GeZero: First German inland cement plant Geseke becomes net carbon negative by implementing a full CCS chain | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | Germany | Carbon capture and storage | Grant signed | |
H2Sines.Rdam: Maritime supply chain of renewable liquid hydrogen from the Port of Sines in Portugal to the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Portugal, Netherlands | Green Hydrogen production and use (400MW electrolyser; 747 MW PV, 430 MW wind via PPA) | Withdrawn | |
IFESTOS: one of the largest carbon capture projects in Europe to enable the production of zero carbon cement & concrete and create decarbonization synergies with regional industries | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | Greece | Carbon capture and storage | Grant signed | |
IRIS: Innovative low caRbon hydrogen and methanol productIon by large Scale carbon capture | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Greece | Carbon capture and utilisation E-methanol production | Grant signed | |
KOdeCO net zero | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | Croatia | Carbon capture and storage | Grant signed | |
EVEREST: Improved calcination and carbon capture for the largest lime plant in Europe | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | Germany | Carbon capture | Grant signed | |
GO4ZERO: Towards a carbon negative large-scale clinker plant through first-ever demonstration of a groundbreaking flue gas recirculation & concentration-based concept paired with a full CCS solution | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement & lime | Belgium | Carbon capture and storage | Grant signed | |
H2GS H2 Green Steel | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron & steel | Sweden | Hydrogen-based direct reduction of iron ore | Grant signed | |
GH2A GREENH2ATLANTIC | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Portugal | Green hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
eM-Rhone: electroMethanol-Rhône | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | France | E-methanol production CCU | Grant signed | |
T-HYNET: TARRAGONA NETWORK HYDROGEN | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Spain | Green hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
Columbus: Columbus: A scalable and replicable solution to decarbonise industry by the combination of captured “fatal” CO2 from lime production with green hydrogen, to produce carbon-neutral synthetic e-methane | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Belgium | Carbon capture and utilisation E-methane production | Terminated | |
GREEN MEIGA: Green Methanol in Galicia | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Spain | E-methanol production | Grant signed | |
H2M: Production of large quantities of green hydrogen in the Maasvlakte region in the Netherlands through electrolysis. | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Netherlands | Green hydrogen production | Withdrawn | |
ASTURIAS H2 VALLEY | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Spain | Green hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
EnergHys | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Netherlands | Green hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
TRISKELION: Green Methanol manufacturing from CO2 | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Spain | E-methanol production | Grant signed | |
HydrOxy: HydrOxy Hub Walsum | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Germany | Green hydrogen production Renewable heat | Grant signed | |
GAP: FFI Holmaneset -Green Ammonia Production to fill the GAP in Europe’s energy supply- | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Norway | Green ammonia production | Grant signed | |
GRAMLI: Green Ammonia Linz | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Austria | Green ammonia production | Grant signed | |
TopSOEC: Topsoe SOEC Stack Module Factory | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Denmark | Electrolyser components | Grant signed | |
Lignode One: Lignode One: Sustainable bio-based anode material for batteries: | 2022 Large-scale | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Finland | Battery components | Withdrawn | |
ELAN: Upscaling Vianode innovative synthetic graphite production technology for a responsible electrification of Europe | 2022 Large-scale | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Norway | Battery components | Grant signed | |
SunRISE: NorSun AS: Resource efficient and highly innovative n-type mono-Silicon wafers for Europe | 2022 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Norway | Photovoltaic wafers | Grant signed | |
ELYAS: Smart ELectrolYsis Module manufacturing: upscaling with Automotive production technology and a Sustainability focus | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Germany | Electrolyser components | ELYAS: advancing hydrogen technology for Europe’s clean energy transition | Grant signed |
HOPE: High-efficient Onshore PV module production in Europe | 2022 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Germany, Spain | Photovoltaic modules | Grant signed | |
GIGA-SCALES: GIGA-watt SCaling of advanced ALkaline water Electrolyser Separators | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Belgium | Electrolysers components | GIGA-SCALES: smarter membranes for lower-cost hydrogen production | Grant signed |
Giga Arctic: Building a European future for clean batteries to accelerate the renewable energy transition | 2022 Large-scale | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Norway | Battery cells | Grant signed | |
BBRT: BASF Battery Recycling Tarragona | 2022 Large-scale | Energy storage | Non-ferrous Metals | Spain | Battery recycling materials | Grant signed | |
HyNCREASE: Hydrogen-related Novel Components, Robotic Elements, and manufActuring Solutions for Electrolyzers and fuel cells | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Germany | Electrolysers and fuels cells components | Terminated | |
DAWN: 200MW Production of thin-film solar by Sweden | 2022 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Sweden | Thin-film for photovoltaic solar cells | Grant signed | |
E-fuel Pilot: Innovative and cost-efficient production process for PtL using industrial off-gases | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Norway | E-fuels | Grant signed | |
NEXTFLOAT PLUS: Next Generation Integrated Floating Wind Optimized for Deep Waters | 2022 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Wind energy | France | Floating offshore wind | Grant signed | |
HIPPOW: Highly Innovative Prototype of the most Powerful Offshore Wind turbine generator | 2022 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Wind energy | Denmark | Offshore wind turbine generator prototype | Grant signed | |
SEAWORTHY: Sustainable dispatchable Energy enabled by wAve-Wind OffshoRe plaTforms with onboard Hydrogen | 2022 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Hydro/Ocean energy | Spain | Wave-wind energy | Grant signed | |
Volta Project: Hybrid mid-sized pilot furnace for flat glass | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics & construction material | Czechia | Electrification | VOLTA Project: powering hybrid furnace transition in Europe’s flat glass industry | Grant signed |
MoReTec-1: Fully electrified chemical recycling of plastic waste for deep decarbonisation of the polymer industry | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Germany | Circularity | Grant signed | |
CFCPILOT4CCS: CFC Pilot for CCS | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Netherlands | Carbon capture | Grant signed | |
SC-HOOP: Sustainable Chemical recycling through HOOP technology | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Italy | Recycling | Grant signed | |
SAO: The Saoirse Wave Energy Project | 2022 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Hydro/Ocean energy | Ireland | Wave energy | Grant signed | |
GREENLAROBLA: Green H2 Production at La Robla | 2022 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Spain | Green hydrogen production | Grant signed | |
CO2ncrEAT: Integrated low carbon footprint solution for cement-free building products by using exhaust CO2 gas from lime manufacturing plant and wasted by-product from stainless steel production | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics and construction material | Belgium | CO2 use and permanent sequestration in building materials, Substitute products | Grant signed | |
CIRQLAR: Low temperature heat recovery and upgrade for industrial use by heat pumps | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Other | Spain | Waste heat recovery and upgrade | CIRQLAR: transforming waste heat into sustainable power | Grant signed |
BEAR: A first of a kind HyBrid REgenerative glAss fuRnace | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics and construction material | Slovenia | Hybrid glass furnace; electrification | BEAR: producing glass containers with cleaner energy | Grant signed |
SOL: Sugar: the gOdfather of fueLs | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Netherlands | Using sugar for producing a sustainable marine fuel blend component for heavy fuel oil | Grant signed | |
InnoSolveGreen: Demonstrating a novel Energy-as-a-Service solution for industrial sector energy consumers | 2021 Small-scale | Energy storage | Other energy storage | Lithuania | Solar PV-plus-storage system | InnoSolveGreen: brewing beer with solar power | Grant signed |
Listlawelbattcool: An energy and resource efficient battery cooler technology | 2021 Small-scale | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for production of renewable energy or energy storage | Czechia | Battery cooler technology for Electric Vehicles | Grant signed | |
HyPush: Construction of a fuel cell pusher boat operating with two hydrogen fuel cells and a lithium battery designed for inland river navigation | 2021 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Use of renewable energy outside Annex I of the EU ETS Directive | France | Hydrogen-powered pusher boat for inland river navigation | Grant signed | |
VOZARTEK: Initiating the Production of Green Hydrogen for Transport and Other Applications in the Czech Republic | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Czechia | Hydrogen production by electrolysis powered by solar PV and biomass combined heat and power (CHP) | Grant signed | |
HFP: A first of a kind Hybrid Furnace Project for glass wool production | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics and construction material | Netherlands | Hybrid glass wool furnace; electrification | Grant signed | |
CLYNGAS: first of a kind technology to Substitute petroleum coke in the cement industry by synthesis gas (syngas) generated from gasification of stabilized refused derived fuels | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement and lime | Spain | Syngas from waste residues | Grant signed | |
PRIMUS: Prime Manufacturing of crystal glass under innovative Solution | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics and construction material | Italy | Hybrid furnace and waste heat recovery | PRIMUS: leading the way to sustainable crystal glass production in Europe | Grant signed |
AGRIVOLTAIC CANOPY: The Brouchy Agrivoltaic Canopy - An acceleration toward energy transition | 2021 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | France | Photovoltaic panels in agriculture | Agrivoltaic Canopy: crops and solar panels sharing sunlight | Grant signed |
SUSTAIN-SEA: Reducing maritime transport CO2 emissions using wind | 2021 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Wind energy | Spain | Reducing fuel consumption in maritime transport through wind energy. | Grant signed | |
GeoHuberila: An innovative heating and cooling system for Huberila | 2021 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Geothermal energy | Finland | Geothermal heating and cooling system | Withdrawn | |
GreenH2CY: Green Hydrogen Project for Transport in Cyprus | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Cyprus | Green hydrogen for transport applications | Grant signed | |
VITRUM: Virtuous Innovative Transformation of high-quality container glass manufacturing | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics and construction material | Italy | Hybridization, energy efficiency, circularity, digitalisation and automation solutions | Grant signed | |
GreenH2: Small-scale green hydrogen production facility | 2021 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Poland | Hydrogen production through 1 MW electrolyser + photovoltaic plant + energy management system + waste heat recovery system | Grant signed | |
HH: Holland Hydrogen | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Netherlands | Hydrogen production through 400MW electrolyser + offshore wind energy | Grant signed | |
PULSE: Pretreatment and Upgrading of Liquefied waste plastic to Scale up circular Economy | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Finland | Chemical recycling of waste plastics – feedstock for refinery | Grant signed | |
N2OWF: Nordseecluster A Offshore Windfarm Innovation Project | 2021 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Wind energy | Germany | 435 MW offshore wind with 15 MW turbines | Grant signed | |
FUREC: Fuse, Reuse, Recycle | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Netherlands | Waste to hydrogen | Grant signed | |
ReLieVe: Recycling Li-ion Batteries for electric vehicles | 2021 Large-scale | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for energy storage | France | Li-ion Battery recycling for production and refining of black mass | Grant signed | |
C2B: Carbon2Business | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement and lime | Germany | Oxy-fuel + carbon capture; carbon use for methanol production | Grant signed | |
BIOZIN: Conversion of waste and residue BIOmass from Norwegian forestry and sawmills to advanced low carbon fuels for Zero emission transportation INdustry | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Norway | Second-generation biofuels (drop-in) & biochar from forestry waste | Terminated | |
RISE: Rec Innovation at Sarreguemines Enterprise | 2021 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Manufacturing for components for solar energy | France | Solar PV HJT cells manufacturing 2 GW | Withdrawn | |
ANRAV: ANRAV-CCUS, an innovative stakeholder supported CCUS value-chain to realize the first CCUS-cluster in Eastern Europe, supporting the Balkan region to reach it’s climate goals by 2030 | 2021 Large-scale | Carbon capture and storage | Cement and lime | Bulgaria | Oxy-fuel + CCS | Grant signed | |
Coda Terminal: Coda by Carbfix - a highly scalable, cost effective CO2 mineral storage hub | 2021 Large-scale | Carbon capture and storage | CO2 transport and storage | Iceland | Carbon storage: carbon mineralization in onshore basalt formation | Grant signed | |
AIR: Production of sustainable methanol as raw material for chemical products by first-of-a-kind Carbon Capture and Utilization process integrated with world scale electrolysis unit | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Sweden | Methanol production from renewable hydrogen and carbon capture | Terminated | |
HySkies: A partnership to develop Sustainable Aviation Fuel | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Sweden | Synthetic aviation fuels from RES H2 and CC | Terminated | |
ELYgator: Kick-starting a renewable hydrogen value chain for industry and mobility: highly integrated, flexible large-scale 200MW water electrolyser producing renewable hydrogen and oxygen. | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Netherlands | Hydrogen production through 200MW electrolyser | Grant signed | |
NorthSTOR PLUS: Industrialising Green Optimised Li-ion Battery Systems for ESS | 2021 Large-scale | Energy storage | Manufacturing of components for energy storage | Poland | GW scale manufacturing of battery energy storage | The Northstor+ story: introducing the world’s greenest battery - Video | Grant signed |
IONFibre: First-of-its-kind commercial plant producing new sustainable textile fibres applying novel green chemistry | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Finland | Textile fibre from pulp to replace polyester | Withdrawn | |
GO4ECOPLANET: KUJAWY GO4ECOPLANET | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement and lime | Poland | Cryocap carbon capture technology + CCS | Grant signed | |
CalCC: First industrial-scale carbon capture for lime production integrated with shared pipeline transport of dense phase CO2 to coastal hub for shipping to geological storage in the North Sea | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement and lime | France | Cryocap carbon capture technology + CCS | Grant signed | |
EAVOR LOOP | 2021 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Geothermal energy | Germany | Closed loop technology using geothermal energy | The EAVORLOOP story: harnessing the Earth’s energy for a greener transition | Grant signed |
OLYMPUS | 2021 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement and lime | Greece | Partial oxy-fuel carbon capture technology + CCS | Grant signed | |
TANGO: ITaliAN PV Giga FactOry | 2020 Large-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | Italy | Solar PV B-HJT cells and Tandem modules manufacturing 3GW | The TANGO story: Towards the largest solar factory in Europe - Video | Grant signed |
K6 Program | 2020 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Cement and lime | France | Carbon capture and storage and Carbon capture and utilisation (CO2 incorporated in concrete) | Grant signed | |
Beccs Stockholm: Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage by Stockholm Exergy | 2020 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Biofuels and biorefineries | Sweden | Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) | Beccs Stockholm: delivering net carbon removals with clean energy | Grant signed |
ECOPLANTA: Reduction of CO2 Emissions from municipal non-recyclable waste to produce methanol | 2020 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Spain | Waste to chemicals and fuels (methanol) | Ecoplanta: recycling non-recyclable waste | Grant signed |
HYBRIT demonstration: Swedish large-scale steel value chain demonstration of Hydrogen Breakthrough Iron-making Technologies | 2020 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron and steel | Sweden | Hydrogen-based iron and steelmaking, 500 MW electrolyser, electric arc furnace | The HYBRIT story: unlocking the secret of green steel production | Grant signed |
SHARC: Sustainable Hydrogen and Recovery of Carbon | 2020 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Finland | Hydrogen with electrolysis and with CCS (green and blue hydrogen) | Terminated | |
Kairos@C: Building strong momentum for massive decarbonisation in the EU through a unique end-to-end CCS project | 2020 Large-scale | Energy-intensive industries | CO2 capture and storage | Belgium | Carbon capture and storage | Grant signed | |
AAL SEB: Demonstration of the use of flexible electrical demand to assist Electrical grid facilitate higher levels of renewable power | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Non-ferrous metals | Ireland | Electrification (High- pressure electric boiler) | Grant signed | |
AGGREGACO2: Fabrication of CO2 negative AGGREGAtes based on disruptive accelerated carbonation processes fuelled by carbon capture in refineries | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics and construction material | Spain | Carbon negative aggregates; carbon capture | Grant signed | |
BCP: Batch and Cullet Preheating technology first-of-a-kind, commercial-scale demonstration towards decarbonization of flat glass production | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Glass, ceramics and construction material | France | Waste heat recovery and use | Terminated | |
EB UV: EB/UV curing without Gas | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Iron and steel | France | Electron-beam curing of solvent-free pain | Electron Beam and Ultra Violet project already reducing GHG emissions in Europe | Grant signed |
FirstBio2Shipping: First Bio-LNG to Marine Shipping | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Biofuels and bio-refineries | Netherlands | Bio-liquefied natural gas for marine shipping | Grant signed | |
W4W: Waga 4 World | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Biofuels and bio-refineries | Spain | Biomethane from landfill gas | W4W: Upgrading landfill gas into grid-compliant biomethane in Spain | Grant signed |
H2 Valcamonica: Green hydrogen for the decarbonisation of Valcamonica | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Italy | Green hydrogen as a rail fuel | Grant signed | |
HYVALUE: Novel upcycling production process based on an innovative circular business model for urban waste streams valorisation for the generation of high quality H2 | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Spain | Waste to hydrogen through pyrolysis | Terminated | |
SUN2HY: First small-scale deployment (fsd) of a pre-commercial plant based on photoelectrocatalytic technology for hydrogen production | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Spain | Photoelectrocatalytic technology for hydrogen production | Terminated | |
ZE PAK green H2: Investment in 5 MW green hydrogen production facility located in Konin, Poland | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Hydrogen | Poland | Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysers | Grant signed | |
LK2BM: Conversion of a pulp mill fuel source to biomass | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Pulp and paper | Portugal | Biomass as fuel for pulp mill | Grant signed | |
TFFFTP: Towards a Fossil Fuel Free Tissue Production | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Pulp and paper | Sweden | Bio-syngas production connected to paper machine | Terminated | |
SKFOAAS: SKF Recondoil as a Service | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Refineries | Spain | Recycling of industrial oil | The SKFOAAS story: a new circular technology on oil regeneration for European industry and climate | Grant signed |
TLP: Thermoplastic lignin production - Creating a green industry to replace fossil-based plastics | 2020 Small-scale | Energy-intensive industries | Chemicals | Sweden | Biomaterial to replace polyethylen | Terminated | |
Aquilon: Airborne wind hybrid renewable microgrid with RedOX Flow battery to provide flat renewable energy to an industrial site | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Wind energy | Germany | Airborne wind energy (AWE) production and redox-flow battery | Terminated | |
NAWEP@ Norse Airborne Wind Energy Project | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Wind energy | Norway | Airborne wind energy (AWE) | Grant signed | |
CCGeo: Closed Carbon Geothermal Energy | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Renewable heating/ cooling | Croatia | Closed-loop geothermal power plant | Terminated | |
WH: Water Horizon Renewable Energy Solution | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Renewable heating/ cooling | France | Waste heat recovery | Grant signed | |
DMC: Decarbomalt Croatia | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Renewable heating/ cooling | Croatia | Solar heat plant and storage facility for the malt industry | Terminated | |
CO2-FrAMed: CO2-Free Agriculture for the Mediterranean region | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | Spain | Photovoltaic irrigation systems (PVI) | Grant signed | |
HELEXIO line: Demonstrating manufacturing for innovative BIPV roof components | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | France | Building Integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) technology | Grant signed | |
CarBatteryReFactory: Assembly plant for serial production of industrial energy storage systems based on second-life car batteries and disruptive full-pack technology. | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Other energy storage | Germany | Battery reuse | CarBatteryReFactory: giving used car batteries a second life | Grant signed |
Green Foil project: Low CO2 footprint battery foil for Li-ion battery | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Other energy storage | Sweden | Manufacturing of aluminium foil for Li-ion batteries | Grant signed | |
GREENMOTRIL: Development and operation of a GREEN energy community in the port of MOTRIL | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Other energy storage | Spain | Fully renewable and self- Managed Motril seaport | Grant signed | |
DrossOne V2G Parking: Large-scale vehicle-to-grid system with integrated stationary storage: harnessing EV batteries and their fast response to deliver grid services, currently provided by highly polluting gas plants | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | Italy | Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) system | Grant signed | |
EVVE: First European Large-Scale Vehicle-To-Grid Demonstrator for an efficient decarbonisation of the energy sector | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | France | Vehicle-to-Grid; Virtual Power Plant (VPP) | Grant signed | |
GtF: Green the Flex: Achieving significant greenhouse gas emission reductions by intelligent electricity load shifting on the customer level | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | Austria | Virtual Power Plant (VPP) | Grant signed | |
NorthFlex: Decarbonising temporary power & flexible storage | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | Poland | Scale-up a lithium-ion battery energy storage system (BESS) | Grant signed | |
PIONEER: airPort sustaInability secONd lifE battEry stoRage | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | Italy | Battery reuse for energy storage | Grant signed | |
Silverstone: Full-scale CO2 capture and mineral storage | 2020 Small-scale | Carbon capture and storage | CO2 transport and storage | Iceland | Mineral storage of CO2 | Silverstone: mimicking nature’s way to transform CO2 into stone | Grant signed |
e-PROOF - Integrated Battery Power for MS Piret – E-PROOF – Electric Propulsion for Ferry | 2020 Small-scale | Energy storage | Intra-day electricity storage | Estonia | Battery-powered ferry | Withdrawn | |
Maxair - Revolutionary Lightweight & Performant Conformable Solar Panels, with Racking Free Installation for Efficient Avoidance of GHG Emission | 2020 Small-scale | Renewable energy | Solar energy | France | Manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) modules | Withdrawn |