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Climate Action

Innovation Fund - Self-check Questionnaire

Purpose of the questionnaire

This questionnaire is designed to support project promoters in understanding the objectives, scope and key requirements of the Innovation Fund, one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies. It aims to provide early high-level orientation on potential fit and readiness of project ideas for the 2024 net-zero technologies call (IF24 Call).

With up to €2.4 billion available, this call supports decarbonisation projects in the following five topics:

  • General decarbonisation (large-scale) - €1.2 billion available for projects with CAPEX above €100 million
  • General decarbonisation (medium-scale) - €200 million available for projects with CAPEX between €20 million and €100 million
  • General decarbonisation (small-scale) - €100 million available for projects with CAPEX between €2.5 million and €20 million
  • Cleantech manufacturing - €700 million available for projects with CAPEX above €2.5 million focusing on the manufacturing of components for renewable energy, energy storage, heat pumps and hydrogen production
  • Pilot - €200 million available for projects with CAPEX above €2.5 million focusing on deep decarbonisation.

The questionnaire is provided only for orientation purposes. The decision to apply for the Innovation Fund lies solely with the applicants.

From this self-check questionnaire, the Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) will also collect a limited amount of information (e.g. project promoter type of organisation, project sector, project location, etc.) to better understand both the general profile of interested project promoters and the potential European project pipeline for innovative clean technologies and processes. This may enable DG CLIMA to react better to the market and to potential future projects from across the European innovation ecosystem. No personal data is requested in filling out this survey.

How to use the questionnaire?

The questionnaire contains a series of questions to ensure the information provided is tailored to you and your project's specifics.

The questions are structured as follows:

  1. Applicant and project details
  2. Questions to assess the project fit with the Innovation Fund scope
  3. Questions to assess the project readiness compared to Innovation Fund expectations

Once you have answered all questions, you will receive general feedback on your project’s fit and readiness for the Innovation Fund.

If you do not complete the questionnaire, progress will be saved in your web browser's temporary storage, so you could continue or restart the questionnaire when you re-open it.


This questionnaire is entirely independent from the official Innovation Fund application process, serves for orientation purposes only and does not lay any ground whatsoever for any application procedure for the Innovation Fund. The European Commission and CINEA do not have any responsibility for the content of this questionnaire and cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the results of this questionnaire.