Innovation Fund: projects pre-selected for grant agreement preparation following the third call for small scale projects - European Commission
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Innovation Fund: projects pre-selected for grant agreement preparation following the third call for small scale projects

The third call for small scale projects was launched based on the Commission Decision C(2022) 7547 of 26 October 2022 on the financing of the activities by the Innovation Fund, serving as the financing decision for 2022 and as a decision launching the third call for proposals.

Project acronym and title Sector Country Coordinator Project Description

AETERNUS-Advanced ElecTrification and hEat Recovery for iNnovative prodUction of Sustainable glass
Glass, ceramics &
construction material
Italy BORMIOLI LUIGI SPA Electrification of the currently gas-fired furnace, heat-to-power recovery through an Organic Rankine Cycle and digitalisation solutions in production of container glass. The realisation of the project will also demonstrate the viability on a commercial scale of a first-of-a-kind solution never applied for container glass production in Italy.

BOOST: Back-to-MonOmer recycling of polymeric materialS using molten meTals
Chemicals Italy MyRemono Producing recycled high quality MethylMethacrylate (r-MMA) from secondary raw material sourced from polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) scraps and extending the technology application towards other plastics matrices. The innovative technology enables the plastics depolymerisation using a molten metal chemical recycling method. The Project aims at both increasing the current low rate of PMMA scraps recycling within the EU and reducing the reliance on fossil raw materials for MMA production.

carbon Capture and Use at a STeel plant with an Advanced solution to Reach Decarbonisation
Iron & Steel Italy ABS CCU technology to decarbonise the flue gases of a steel plant (Acciaierie Bertoli Safau SpA). An integrated system that comprises a flue gas conditioning step followed by a reactor unit will be able to capture up to 50% of CO2 from the flue gas of a reheating furnace fed by natural gas to be used with caustic soda for sodium bicarbonate production.

Next Generation tanker vessel powered by e-methanol and wind assisted propulsion
Use of renewable
energy outside Annex I
Tärntank Innovative combination of foldable suction sails and a dual-fuel engine uniquely designed to fit the new hybrid tanker enabling the use of e-methanol as fuel and wind for increased energy efficiency. The hybrid tanker will be equipped with an electric power supply system, battery pack and on-shore power connection to further reduce emissions and to meet net-zero emission goals. The technologies will be installed on a newbuilt tanker vessel, operating between Sweden and Finland as well as on the Norwegian coast.

Expanding the Range of Clinker Substitutes. Designing a Sustainable Future for Cement Sector
Cement & Lime Spain CEMENTOS LA CRUZ, S.L. The project will produce Supplementary Cementitious Materials that dramatically reduce carbon footprint. The Supplementary Cementitious Materials enable the production of cement containing just 20% clinker, leveraging abundant materials like clay minerals and industrial waste. Biomass will serve as the sole fuel in the production process considering the use of industrial, mining, and agroforestry waste as potential raw materials.

GENERON 2.0 Integrated Solar Roof Tile
Manufacturing of
components for
production of
renewable energy or energy storage
Hungary Terrán Tetőcserép Gyártó Kft. Implementing new technologies for the development and manufacturing of second-generation roof integrated solar module solution offering a cost-efficient, more sustainable roof integrated solar module solution with aesthetics suitable also for more conventional architecture and landscape. With the Project, Terrán expects not only to increase the products’ sustainability and output power, but at the same time reduce the unit cost and the waste created during the production.

Heat up Isover Transition to Electric Under Production
Glass, ceramics &
construction material​
Italy SGI​ Demonstration of a first-of-a-kind curing oven in the glass wool production process at Saint-Gobain site which maximises its electrification, reducing natural gas consumption.

Local manUre and agri-food waste treatment for bioGAs and biofertiliZers production from Zero waste and circular economy perspective
Refineries Spain Grupo Leche Río, S.A. Zero-waste facility to manage organic and non-hazardous waste generated in the dairy sector value chain. Combines a biogas plant with an innovative low scale upgrading system, as well as a liquid treatment of digestate for water recovery and a solid treatment for fertiliser production across industrial symbiosis. Biogas will be injected into the natural gas grid. The biogas plant digestate will be separated into a solid fraction for organic fertiliser, and a liquid fraction to recover the water for reuse in industrial applications.

Manufacturing of Glass through iNnovative hybridisation Up-Scaling
Glass, ceramics &
construction material​
Italy BORMIOLI ROCCO SPA Hybridisation of the melting furnace in container glass production and digitalisation and automation in different sections of production line. Integration of renewable energy in the glass industry. The realisation of the project will also demonstrate the viability on a commercial scale of an up-scaling solution that has never been applied for high quality glass production in Italy and in Europe.

MakIng susTaInable enerGy from heAT saving
Other energy storage​ France ECO-TECH CERAM Multi-energy smart grid, which responds to the dual constraints of intermittent waste heat and intermittent renewable energies. This hub combines heat storage, renewable electricity conversion to heat, power to heat and long duration energy storage.

Robotic Wind Turbine Blade Repair System
Manufacturing of
components for
production of
renewable energy or energy storage
Latvia​ Aerones Manufacturing and deployment of 30 first-of-a-kind robotic systems for wind turbine generator rotor blades repair, which can carry out the leading-edge repair tasks faster and in similar or better quality than human personnel. The robotic rotor blade leading edge repair services will make production of wind energy more efficient, affordable, and sustainable while also considerably reducing the risks associated with human personnel working at heights. Project will result in shorter downtime during repairs leading to emission savings and higher efficiency of power generation from wind.

RockStore: accessible and cost-effective thermal energy storage
Other energy
Denmark Forsyning Danmark Thermal energy storage system for large-scale electrical and thermal seasonal energy storage employing granite rocks within steel tanks to store heat of up to 330°C, which is sourced from waste heat or surplus renewable electricity. Ability to store and release thermal and electrical energy at scale, at a lower cost compared ​ to existing technologies, biomass and fossil fuel-based district heating, in year-round operation.

Sludge-to-Hydrogen for a Circular Economy
Hydrogen Croatia E.ON Hrvatska Transforming sewage sludge into hydrogen for blending into the local gas grid and usage as fuel for 20 hydrogen powered buses operated by Zagreb's public transport entity (ZET). Carbon black and ashes by-products will be used as additives in tyre manufacturing process and concrete production.

Solar HEliup Energy for Flat roofTop
Manufacturing of
components for
production of
renewable energy or energy storage
France HELIUP​ 100 MWp/year industrial production pilot plant in France, producing innovative lightweight, high-power photovoltaic panels. HELIUP's lightweight panels with exceptional durability associated with a new and sustainable installation method reduces material consumption by 75% compared to a standard ground mounted PV plants and make them suitable for the large building rooftops market.
Solvent2Energy Use of renewable
energy outside
Annex I​
Netherlands Pure Infinity Clean air emissions from flexoprinting industry by removing the solvents from the air, after which the solvents are converted to biogas that will be used directly in the factory replacing fossil energy with ~70% energy savings. First time use of novel anaerobic bioscrubber in solvent treatment from air emissions.
SUNAGRI Carbon Farm

Dynamic Agrivoltaic for Farm decarbonisation and agriculture sustainability
Solar energy France Sun'Agri Design, building, and deployment of a system to optimise the synergy between PV panels and multi-cultural farm. Carbon Farm system consists of a dynamic agrivoltaic structure with automatic and mobile protective nets covering an area of 6 hectares to produce green electricity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the growth and protection of 3 types of Mediterranean crops.

Solar eNergy for the BREWEry inDustry ​
Solar Energy Greece PROTARGET Set up a tailor-made solar thermal system in combination with a steam accumulator on the premises of a brewery, covering the fluctuating energy requirements of the production, so that thermal energy is always available thanks to the storage technology. Renewable and decarbonised heat generated by the system through a heat contracting agreement reducing heavy fuel oil consumption and CO2 emissions.