Poland has informed the Commission about its intention to auction 55.8 million allowances from the volume of free allowances under the derogation from full auctioning for the power sector (Article 10c of the ETS Directive) and which have not been allocated in the period 2013-2017.
In the current EU ETS trading period (2013-2020), eight Member States have made use of the derogation from full auctioning for the modernisation of the power sector and are allowed to allocate free allowances on this basis for a transitional period ending in 2019.
Since Member States may allocate fewer allowances than the maximum allowed under this derogation, allowances not allocated for free can either be transferred to phase 4 (2021-2030) or be auctioned.
In the period 2013-2017, Poland has not allocated some 113 million free allowances foreseen for the derogation. Poland has decided to auction 55.8 million allowances out of the above volume in the course of 2019 in addition to the general volume foreseen for auctions on behalf of Poland.
The 2019 auction calendar for Poland will be finalised and published by the European Energy Exchange (EEX) as the relevant auction platform.
Further updated information will be communicated on this website.
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- Publication date
- 5 December 2018
- Author
- Directorate-General for Climate Action