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Climate Action

Deploying Industrial Carbon Management in Europe

Learn more about how European Commission policies are supporting the large-scale deployment of Industrial Carbon Management solutions across the continent and the creation of a single European market for CO2

The European Commission is working to ensure the coherent implementation of the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Directive across the EU. This includes reporting on the implementation of the Directive, facilitating exchanges between competent authorities, publishing guidance documents, and adopting Commission Opinions on draft CO2 storage permits.

Reports on the implementation of the CCS Directive

The CCS Directive includes reporting requirements for EU Member States and the Commission. According to the Directive, Member States must report to the Commission every four years on their implementation of the Directive across the EU. The Commission must then report back to the European Parliament and the Council.

The Commission has published four implementation reports:

  • 1st implementation report (February 2014) – based on Member States' reports delivered between July 2011 and April 2013, this report covers implementation of all key provisions of the Directive, state of transposition of the Directive and Commission actions to improve implementation;
  • 2nd implementation report (February 2017) – covering the period from May 2013 to April 2016, this report focuses on the articles which have had practical application in Member States;
  • 3rd implementation report (October 2019) – based on national reports covering the period from May 2016 to April 2019, this report focuses on the progress made by Member States since the second implementation report;
  • 4th implementation report (October 2023) – including reports from Member States that cover the period between May 2019 and April 2023, this report emphasises operational and regulatory developments since the previous implementation report.

As of 2023, the Commission publishes national reports on the implementation of the CCS directive received from each reporting country in the EU and European Economic Area (EEA).

Opinions on draft CO₂ storage permits

The CCS Directive requires the Member States to make CO2 storage permit applications available to the Commission within one month of receiving them. Member States have to provide the Commission with draft storage permits and any other related material that the competent authority has taken into consideration to decide on the award of a permit.

The Commission may provide a non-binding Opinion on the draft storage permit within four months of its receipt.

Opinions provided:

CCS Directive Expert Group

In September 2023, the Commission established an Expert Group on the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide. The main purpose of the Expert Group is to: 

  • Assist the Commission in the implementation of existing EU legislation, programmes and policies;
  • Assist the Commission in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives;
  • Coordinate and exchange views with Member States.

For more information, please consult the constitutive documents of the Expert Group here:

Meetings of the Expert Group on the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide:

The Expert Group builds on the work of the previous Information Exchange Group in a more formal setting. The Information Exchange Group was established in 2022.

Meetings of the Information Exchange Group (IEG) under the CCS Directive (Directive 2009/31/EC, Art. 27.2):

Industrial Carbon Management (ICM) Forum

The ICM Forum - formerly known as the Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) Forum - was established in 2021 and has met annually since. This gathering brings together representatives from the EU institutions, EU Member States and third countries, NGOs, business leaders and academia to facilitate the deployment of CCUS technologies across Europe. The 4th edition of the Forum will take place in October 2024.

The work of the ICM Forum is supported by working groups (WGs) which are established at each annual gathering for the duration of one year. The WGs are organised by the Commission, involve a wide range of stakeholders, and meet regularly throughout the year to prepare issue papers for the Forum’s annual plenary session.

Knowledge sharing

To stimulate knowledge sharing, as well as building connections and a common understanding between various actors along the value chain, the Commission organises knowledge sharing workshops and participates in industry meetings and events. 

Knowledge sharing is an obligation for low-carbon technology projects that are supported by the Innovation Fund. To make this sharing of information even more fit-for-purpose, the workshops organised by the Commission involve Member State representatives as well as companies and projects that have either applied to the Innovation Fund or are in advanced discussions with competent authorities to develop CCS projects. Please find reports from previous knowledge sharing workshops below:

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