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Climate Action
  • News article
  • 1 June 2015
  • Directorate-General for Climate Action
  • 1 min read

LIFE Climate Action launches second round of calls

The European Commission has launched four new calls under the LIFE sub-programme for climate action which co-funds creative ways to respond to climate change challenges in Member States. Some €57 million is available to co-finance projects dealing...


The European Commission has launched four new calls under the LIFE sub-programme for climate action which co-funds creative ways to respond to climate change challenges in Member States. Some €57 million is available to co-finance projects dealing with cutting emissions, adapting to climate change or climate governance and information.

This year’s call for mitigation projects will focus on energy intensive industries and efforts to substitute climate warming fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances, as well as on land use, land use change and forestry. At the same time, LIFE will support projects that foster adaptation to the unavoidable consequences of climate change. Co-funding will be available for projects addressing vulnerable areas highlighted in the EU Adaptation Strategy, green infrastructure, eco-system based approaches and urban adaption. The aim of the third priority area “Climate Governance and Information” is to improve climate governance and capacity-building.

LIFE Climate Action is also supporting a new type of project which will support the implementation of EU climate policies in Member States. These 'integrated' projects put climate plans, strategies or roadmaps required by specific EU climate legislation into place on a large geographical scale. These could, for example, include support the implementation of the 2030 climate and energy policy or the EU Adaptation Strategy. Projects must involve all relevant stakeholders at least one other relevant funding source. Technical Assistance projects provide financial support to help applicants prepare integrated projects. These projects are also eligible to apply for grant funding.

The fourth call, for preparatory projects, aims to establish a network for the quantification of the effect on climate of cropland and grazing land management.

Deadlines for this year’s calls under LIFE Climate Action depend on the project type, with the first closing from 15 September.

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Publication date
1 June 2015
Directorate-General for Climate Action