Climate change, environment and health will be at the heart of citizens’ deliberations in Natolin (Warsaw) on 7-9 January 2022. This European Citizens’ Panel will hold its third and final session in hybrid format and will finalise its recommendations to the Conference on the Future of Europe. The discussions will build on the work of the two sessions, held in Strasbourg on 1-3 October and online on 19-21 November, and focus on the following topics: better ways of living; protecting our environment and our health; redirecting our economy and consumption; sustainable society; and caring for all.
This Panel - one of the four European Citizens’ Panels, comprising 200 panellists each - is a citizen-led process and is a cornerstone of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The European Citizens’ Panel on “European democracy/Values and rights, rule of law, security” already delivered its recommendations during the meeting in Florence in December 2021. Two further Panels will take place in early 2022 in Maastricht (on “EU in the world / Migration”) and Dublin (on “A stronger economy, social justice and jobs / Education, culture, youth and sport / Digital transformation”).
The recommendations of the Panel will be presented and discussed at the next Conference Plenary meeting planned for 21-22 January 2022. Eighty Panel representatives (20 from each of the European Citizens’ Panels, of which at least one-third is aged between 16 and 25 years) are members of the Conference Plenary. There, they will present the outcomes of their respective Panel discussions, and debate them with Members of the European Parliament, national government and parliament representatives, European Commission, and other Plenary Members from EU bodies, regional and local authorities, social partners and civil society.
Background information:
- Publication date
- 6 January 2022
- Author
- Directorate-General for Climate Action