The European Commission today adopted a consultative paper that launches a public debate on how best to design a new international agreement to combat climate change. The Consultative Communication raises key questions and invites the views of stakeholders on the new agreement, which is to be completed by the end of 2015 and to apply from 2020.
Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, said: “In Copenhagen, world leaders set the goal of keeping global warming below 2°C in order to prevent the most severe impacts of climate change. That is good. But as the world day by day is moving away from this target, it is clearly not enough. More action is needed by everybody. An ambitious international agreement in which all major economies commit to take action according to their current and future capabilities is vital if we are to succeed. This paper is an invitation to help shape the EU’s position and contribute to getting the strongest possible deal in 2015.”
The Consultative Communication invites input from stakeholders, Member States and EU institutions on how best to design the 2015 agreement, which will lay down the international regime for fighting climate change post 2020.
The public consultation runs online until 26 June. A stakeholder conference will be held on 17 April in Brussels. The Commission will analyse responses received, which will feed into the development of the EU's position on the 2015 agreement.
Read more:
- IP/13/277: Commission launches consultation on 2015 international climate change agreement
- COM(2013) 167: The 2015 International Climate Change Agreeement: Shaping international climate policy beyond 2020
- SWD(2013) 97: The 2015 International Climate Change Agreeement: Shaping international climate policy beyond 2020
- The 2015 agreement
- Consultation on the 2015 International Climate Change Agreement: Shaping international climate policy beyond 2020
- Stakeholder conference on the 2015 international climate agreement
- Stepping up pre-2020 ambition
- Publication date
- 26 March 2013
- Author
- Directorate-General for Climate Action