- climate change policy | international cooperation | ozone
- Tuesday 5 March 2002, 01:00 - Saturday 9 March 2002, 00:59 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 5 March 2002, 01:00 - Saturday 9 March 2002, 00:59 (CET)
- Languages
- English
This International Conference on Alternatives to Methyl Bromide was attended by about 300 participants and was held 5-8 March 2002 in Sevilla, Spain.
Drawing on the experiences of 72 experts from 26 developed and developing countries from around the world, this website contains the papers, case studies and poster-papers on alternatives to methyl bromide that were discussed in plenary and in workshops. They show that significant progress has been made in the phase out of methyl bromide for most of its uses in the European Community, but that further work is required to find alternatives for its remaining uses before its phase out for most of its uses in 2005.
The major sponsors of the Sevilla Conference were the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; the Spanish Ministry of the Environment; the Spanish Ministry of Science & Technology; the Consejería of Agriculture & Fisheries of the Junta of Andalusia in Spain; and the European Commission.
The organisers gratefully acknowledge the hard work by all those that attended and contributed to the success of the Conference; and to those organisations and enterprises that sponsored the attendance of experts, participants and key events which helped to make this Conference the largest ever held in Europe on alternatives to methyl bromide.
The full conference contains 413 pages. If you do not wish to download and print the entire report, you may wish to download one of more of the 12 Acrobat files that contain specific papers of the report divided by Conference theme:
- Conference Summary and Recommendations
- Ozone depletion, the Montreal protocol and European Community regulation
Containing the following three papers:
- An overview of the scientific aspects of ozone depletion and their impact on the environment J.L. CASANOVA
- Documenting UV radiation to support impact studies and health protection for citizens J. VERDEBOUT
- International and European Community controls on methyl bromide & the status of methyl bromide use and alternatives in the European Community T.A. BATCHELOR
- Strawberry: Overview of alternatives
Containing the following eight papers:
- Non-chemical alternatives to methylbromide for soil treatment in strawberry production I.J. PORTER et al.
- Chemical alternatives to methyl bromide for soil treatment particularly in strawberry production J.M. DUNIWAY
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for use in strawberry production and nurseries in Spain J.M. LOPEZ-ARANDA et al.
- The importance of disease-free plants produced in strawberry nurseries in Spain A. DE CAL, et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide in vegetable and strawberry crops in Spain V. CEBOLLA
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for soil disinfestation of strawberry in Morocco M. AMMATI et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide in strawberries in Poland A. SZCZYGIEŁ
- The use of substrates for strawberry production in Spain J. LÓPEZ-MEDINA
- Quarantine and pre-shipment: Overview of alternatives
Containing the following five papers:
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for durables and timber H.J. BANKS
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for disinfestation of structures and food facilities D.K. MUELLER
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for the treatment of wood, timber and artefacts in the European Community CH. REICHMUTH
- Preventative cleaning and inspection as an alternative to methyl bromide for treatment of food facilities in the European Community M. RAYNAUD
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for timber treatments A. LÓPEZ DE ROMA
- Quarantine and pre-shipment: Workshop on alternatives
Containing the following nine papers:
- Use of non-chemical methyl bromide alternatives in the USA A. K. DOWDY
- Low temperature storage of food and other alternatives to methyl bromide J.A. JACAS MIRET et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for use as quarantine and pre-shipment treatments in developing countries R.T. DEANG
- Non-methyl bromide quarantine and pre-shipment treatments in Spain E. SANTABALLA
- Application of vacuum to sealed flexible containers: A viable alternative to disinfestation of durable commodities with methyl bromide S. FINKELMAN et al.
- Case study: Sulfuryl fluoride for disinfestation of timber and structures M.J. DRINKALL et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for treatment of grain and seeds J. RIUDAVETS
- Microwave energy as a viable alternative to methyl bromide and other pesticides for rice disinfection industrial processes D. SÁNCHEZ-HERNÁNDEZ et al.
- Hermetic storage of grain in Cyprus A. VARNAVA
- Strawberry: Workshop on alternatives
Containing the following six papers:
- Alternatives to methyl bromide in strawberries in Spain J.M. LOPEZ-ARANDA
- Soil solarization and biofumigation in strawberries in Spain J.J. MEDINA-MÍNGUEZ
- Case study: Trichoderma as an alternative to methyl bromide in strawberries I. GRONDONA et al.
- Sodium azide for soil pest control in crops with few or no alternatives to fumigation with methyl bromide R. RODRIGUEZ-KABANA
- Spanish strawberry plant nurseries and the use of methyl bromide as a soil disinfectant J. PALACIOS VÁZQUEZ
- Strawberry production and the use of alternatives to methyl bromide in huelva (Spain) M. VERDIER
- Tomatoes and other vegetables: Overview on alternatives
Containing the following eleven papers:
- Tomato production in Spain without methyl bromide J.C. TELLO
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for tomato production in the Mediterranean area M. BESRI
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for vegetable production in Greece E.C. TJAMOS et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide in sweet pepper crops in Spain A. LACASA et al.
- The current status of alternatives to methyl bromide in vegetable crops in France J. FRITSCH
- Biological control agents in vegetable crops as alternatives to methyl bromide S. VERDEJO-LUCAS et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for tomatoes and vegetables in Italy G. CARTIA
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for tomato and cucumber production in Turkey A. OZTURK et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for soil treatments in Cuba E. PEREZ MONTESBRAVO et al.
- Biofumigation as an alternative to methyl
bromide A. BELLO et al. - Alternatives to methyl bromide for tomato production in Belgium F.P.L. PAUWELS
- Cut-Flowers: Overview on alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Containing the following three papers:
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for use in cut-flower production M. PIZANO
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for cut-flower production in southern Spain J.M. MELERO-VARA et al.
- The use of methyl bromide alternatives in cut-flower production in Portugal L.G.L. REIS
- Cut-Flowers: Workshop on alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Containing the following six papers:
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for cut-flowers A. MINUTO et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for cut-flower production in Guatemala L.F. SOLÍS et al.
- Alternatives to methyl bromide for control of annual and perennial weeds I.G. ELEFTHEROHORINOS et al.
- Integrated pest management and biological control used in the production of gerbera in Hungary A. FORRAY
- Methyl bromide alternatives for cut-flower production in Chipiona J.A. NAVAS-BECERRA et al.
- Closed soilless techniques for cut-flower production as an alternative to methyl bromide in Mediterranean conditions O. MARFÀ
- Workshop on non-chemical alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Containing the following eight papers:
- Non-chemical alternatives used in the USA on horticultural crops J.M. DUNIWAY
- Non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide used in Mexico N. MARBAN-MENDOZA
- Non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide in greenhouse-grown sweet pepper in Spain A. LÓPEZ et al.
- Grafting as a non-chemical alternative to methyl bromide for tomatoes in Spain A. MIGUEL
- The economic impact of the phase out of methyl bromide on horticultural producers in Hungary L. KOVACS
- Non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide use in Jordan M.F. AL- ZUBI
- Non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide used in Greece on horticultural crops E.C. TJAMOS et al.
- Non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide used in Macedonia on vegetables G. POPSIMONOVA
- Economic, social and other policies affecting the development of alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Containing the following nine papers:
- Measures and activities that assist with the phase out of methyl bromide M.K. MILLER
- Economic impact of methyl bromide phase-out in the United States of America L. LYNCH
- The economic impact of the phase out of methyl bromide on horticultural producers in Hungary L. KOVÁCS
- Economic evaluation of methyl bromide alternatives used on the East coast of Spain P. CABALLERO et al.
- Southwestern Spain strawberry growers awareness of the methyl bromide phase out and their willingness to pay for alternatives J. CALATRAVA
- "EUREPGAP" standards - promoting safe and sustainable agriculture including alternatives to methyl bromide K. MOELLER
- Commercial policies in Spain influencing the use of methyl bromide by growers L.M. FERNÁNDEZ
- UNIDO phase - out programme in the methyl bromide sector S.M. SIAHMED
- Spanish national project to find alternatives to methyl bromide the remaining challenges J.M. BOLÍVAR
- Poster papers
Containing the following 30 papers:
- Alternatives to methyl bromide to control black shank disease (Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan) in tobacco in Cuba A. FERNANDEZ MORALES et al.
- Floating tray technology with organic substrate and biological control as an alternative to methyl bromide in Cuban tobacco production A. FERNANDEZ MORALES et al.
- Dimethyl disulfide as a new potential alternative to methyl bromide for soil disinfestation J. FRITSCH et al
- Cyanogen and carbonyl sulfide as potential quarantine fumigants for timber J.H. VILJOEN et al
- Biofumigation with solarization for soil disinfection and sustainable Production of greenhouse-grown sweet pepper in the southeast of Spain M.M. GUERRERO et al.
- Technical and economic feasibility of chemical and physical alternatives to methyl bromide in soil disinfestation of tomato in Morocco M. AMMATI et al.
- Chemical and non-chemical controls used in Uraguay as alternatives to methyl bromide for nematode control R. BERNAL et al.
- Biofumigants suppress fungal pathogens and weeds of strawberry V. BIANCO et al.
- Microflora and nutrient changes after fumigation R. BRETT et al.
- Economic valuation of methyl bromide alternatives in Spanish strawerry crops J. CALATRAVA et al.
- Cuban skills used in the ecological management of plant parasitic nematodes E. FERNÁNDEZ et al.
- Effect of soil solarization on the viability of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. dianthi A.M. PRADOS LIGERO et al.
- Alternatives identified for vegetables in unep's regional demonstration project on methyl bromide alternatives in Central and Eastern Europe C. SLUSARSKI1 et al.
- Iodomethane (tm-425) - development and regulatory update M. A. ALLAN et al.
- Agrocelhone, the solution against nematodes and soil fungi as an alternative to methyl bromide A. CARRERA et al.
- Alternatives to the use of methyl bromide in banana production in Colombia D.A. CASTAÑEDA et al.
- Four years research on improved soil solarization and other alternatives to methyl bromide on strawberry crops V. CEBOLLA
- Non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide for the control of root-knot nematodes in Southern Italy T. D'ADDABBO et al.
- Non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide in Uruguay L. DE LEÓN
- Influence of preplant soil fumigations on Trichoderma populations in strawberry production fields B. DE LOS SANTOS et al.
- Quarantine treatment of storage insect pests under vacuum or CO2 in transportable systems S. NAVARRO et al.
- Methyl bromide alternatives for carrots and other vegetable crops in Northwest coast of Cadiz (Spain) J.A. NAVAS et al.
- Methyl bromide alternatives evaluated in strawberry production in UNEP's regional demonstration project in Central and Eastern Europe S.J. PIETR et al.
- Carbonyl sulfide and cyanogen as potential new soil fumigants Y.L. REN et al.
- Furfural-based biofumigant mixtures for control of phytopathogenic nematodes and weeds R. RODRIGUEZ-KABANA
- Potential of propylene oxide as a substitute for fumigation of soil with methyl bromide R. RODRIGUEZ-KABANA
- Methyl bromide projects in developing countries - role of the montreal protocol and GTZ P. STÖRMER et al.
- Effects of chemical and non-chemical alternatives to methyl bromide on strawberry nematodes in Southern Spain J.M. VEGA et al.
- Solarization and its combinations: The first year results of a demonstration project S. YÜCEL et al.
- Dichloropropene with chloropicrin applied by drip irrigation as a viable alternative to methyl bromide in sweet pepper greenhouses A. LACASA et al.