<p>The 9th EU ETS Compliance Conference was attended by over 100 participants. The central theme of the conference this year was “Be prepared”. The Conference provided latest information on EU ETS phase IV implementation and other new ETS developments.</p>
- emission trading
- Tuesday 13 November 2018, 09:00 - Wednesday 14 November 2018, 21:00 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 13 November 2018, 09:00 - Wednesday 14 November 2018, 21:00 (CET)
- Languages
- English
The 9th EU ETS Compliance Conference was attended by over 100 participants. The central theme of the conference this year was “Be prepared”. The Conference provided latest information on EU ETS phase IV implementation and other new ETS developments.
Participants enjoyed informative and inspiring presentations on various elements of EU Climate policy and the EU ETS MRVA Compliance activities in particular. Two keynote presentations provided a wider context and setting to the EU ETS. Yvon Slingenberg presented the EU’s agenda for COP24 and the importance of moving forward and working together on addressing the threat of climate change. Constanze Haug of ICAP provided an overview on world-wide emissions trading developments, zooming in on developments in California, Mexico, New Zealand and China.
Further plenary presentations included a DG CLIMA summary on the main implementation developments for phase IV. In this, Beatriz Yordi sketched the timeline for newly adopted and upcoming updated regulations while emphasising the importance of the implementation work on all these updates by the EU ETS competent authorities. A joined presentation by Greece and the European Commission illustrated the advantages of using information technology (IT) for compliance, including an overview of the planned further developments of the Commission tool DECLARE and data exchange formats (referred to as XETL). DG Clima’s Guillaume Coron provided participants with an overview on the Commission’s work in support of EU ETS MRVA. Consultants to the Commission completed the set of plenary presentations with an assessment of carbon capture and utilisation technologies and their regulatory setup, the interim results of the ongoing 5th EU ETS compliance review, as well as a presentation of the high-level results of the Round Robin Test, the proficiency test on EU ETS Compliance aspects that was held in the course of this year.
In addition to the plenary presentations, four Breakout sessions were organised to initiate active and more in-depth discussions. Breakout session I discussed exclusion of small installations and equivalent efforts with experiences from three Member States and considerations in two further Member States. Breakout session II provided an overview on all recent ETS aviation activities, including the activities to implement CORSIA MRV requirements and a discussion on insolvency. In breakout session III participants discussed the Free Allocation Rules and impact on MRV of allocation data. Participants in Breakout session IV shared experiences on preparing EU ETS inspection, including a practical case study.
The chairpersons several times emphasised the value of exchange of expertise and experience on EU ETS implementation as well as the opportunity that the Compliance Forum activities bring to have in-depth discussions on topical matters in EU ETS MRVA matters and compliance. The five Compliance Forum Task Forces play a central role in this knowledge exchange and the wider Compliance Forum activities. Task Force leaders presented a short overview of the aims, ongoing activities and planned work, and invited all competent authority representatives to join their meetings and further activities.
- Conference programme
- Keynote address “Emissions Trading World-wide” by Constanze Haug, International Carbon Action Partnership
Plenary presentations
- Plenary EU ETS phase IV COM
- Plenary CCU Technologies
- Plenary DECLARE Greece
- Plenary DECLARE Phase IV COM
- Plenary Future COM Plans 2019
- Plenary Compliance Review
Breakout session I: Exclusion of small installations and equivalent efforts
- BO1 - 1. Art 27 SI rev zk
- BO1 - 2. Scottish EPA Article 27
- BO1 - 3. Art27 Italy
- BO1 - 4. Art 27 Denmark
- BO1 - 5. Opt-out-CZ
- Report Break out session I
Breakout session II: Aviation – CORSIA MRV implementation
- BO2 - 1. Andreas Wendl Insolvency_issues
- BO2 - 2. CORSIA Implementation in EU
- BO2 - 3. AO MP template update
- Report Breakout session 2
Breakout session III: Implementing updated Free Allocation Rules
- BO3 - 1. Free allocation rules
- BO3 - 2. NL experiences NIMS and impact FAR
- BO3 - 3. MRV of data relevant for allocation BE
- Report Breakout session 3
Breakout session IV: Practical steps to plan an EU ETS inspection
- BO4 - 1. Inspection Croatia
- BO4 - 2 Inspection Italy
- BO4 - 3. Preparing Inspection RR case Germany
- Report Breakout session 4
Task Force activities
- TF A&V
- TF Aviation
- TF E-reporting