This event has ended.
- emission trading | climate change policy
- Thursday 26 April 2007, 02:00 - Saturday 28 April 2007, 01:59 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 26 April 2007, 02:00 - Saturday 28 April 2007, 01:59 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
Priorities of the review
- scope of the EU ETS
- further harmonisation and increased predictability
- robust compliance and enforcement
- involving third countries
An overview on all relevant issues and positions of stakeholders is provided by a survey:
- Review of EU Emissions Trading Scheme - Survey Highlights
- Review of EU Emissions Trading Scheme - Survey Results
- Review of EU Emissions Trading Scheme - Free Text Answers EU ETS Survey
An analysis on the effects on international competitiveness is the subject of a further study:
Agenda and presentations
1st Day
Welcome and Overview of the Review Process
- Mr Jos Delbeke, Director DG Environment
Monitoring, Reporting and Permitting
- Diversity and Harmonisation: the Right Balance - Presentation from Mr Howard Lebermann, UK Environment Agency (15 min)
- The Perspective of Multinationals - Presentation from Mr Robert Schoen, OGP EUROPIA (15 min)
- The Perspective of SMEs - Presentation from Mr Ronald Kalwij, Royal Cosun, Food Sector, Alliance of Small Installations, The Netherlands (15 min)
- The NGOs Perspective - Presentation from Mr Tomas Wyns, CAN Europe (15 min)
- Issues and Policy Options - Presentation from Mr Jochen Harnisch, Ecofys (15 min)
- Discussion
Coffee Break
Compliance and Enforcement Issues in Relation to Expansion of the ETS
- Monitoring and Reporting on Sinks: the Position of a Member State - Presentation by Dr Roman Michalak, State Forest Holding, Ministry of Environment, Poland,(15 min)
- Status and Challenges of Monitoring Biological Sinks - Mr Günther Seufert, European Commission, JRC(15 min)
- State of play related to Emissions from Shipping - Presentation from Mr Mark Major, European Commission(15 min)
- Issues and Policy Options - Mr Jochen Harnisch, Ecofys (15 min)
- Discussion
2nd day
- Status of Verification Across Member States and Policy Options - Presentation from Mr Jeroen Kruijd, PwC (20 min)
- The Experience of Operators with Verification Across Member States - Presentation from Mr Johan Pype, Tractebel (15 min)
- Accreditation and Acceptance of Verifiers across Member States - Presentation from Ms Anne-Marie Warris, IETA (15 min)
- Verification and Accreditation: Diversity and Harmonisation - the Right Balance - Presentation from Mr Wolfgang Seidel, DEHSt, Germany (15 min)
- Discussion
Coffee Break
Perspectives for Compliance and Enforcement in the EU ETS (1st part)
- Evolving Compliance Systems across EU Member States - Presentation from Ms Lesley Ormerod, IMPEL ETS Support Group (20 min)
- Inspections and sanctions as part of overall Member State compliance systems - Iris van Tol, Emissions Authority, The Netherlands (15 min)
- Member State good practices on acceptance of annualreports, sanctions and correction of mis-statements - Presentation from Mr Jarno Ilme, Energy Market Authority, Finland (15 min)
- Enforcement in the EU ETS: The NGO Perspective - Presentation from Mr Sanjeev Kumar, WWF (15 min)
Perspectives for Compliance and Enforcement in the EU ETS (2nd part)
- Lessons from the Enforcement of US Cap-and-trade Schemes - Presentation from Mr Reid Harvey, US Environmental Protection Agency, (20 min)
- Issues and Policy Options - Presentation from Mr Jeroen Kruijd, PwC, (20 min)
- Discussion
- Introduction by the Commission - Presentation from Mr Istvan Bart, European Commission (15 min)
- Registries – future developments beyond 2012 - Presentation from Mr Peter Zaman, IETA (15 min)
- Discussion
Concluding Remarks by the Chair
- Jos Delbeke, Director DG ENV
Other useful documents
- List of participants
- Final Report of the 2nd meeting of the ECCP working group on emissions trading on the review of the EU ETS on Robust compliance and enforcement
The Group comprised representatives of Member States, industry, NGOs as well as academia and research. The final reports of each meeting of the Group represent the report announced in Commission Communication "Towards a global carbon market – Report pursuant to Article 30 of Directive 2003/87/EC".
The review process provided the Commission with relevant input for adapting the EU ETS to the requirements and needs of emissions trading after 2012.
Stakeholders' contributions for the review process of the EU ETS
- Association Française des Entreprises Privées (AFEP)
- Alliance of the Energy Intensive Industries
Joint contribution with CEFIC and IFIEC - British Abrasives Federation (BAF)
- British Cement Association (BCA)
- The Confederation of European Business (BusinessEurope)
Comments on JI and CDM - Climate Action Network Europe (CAN-Europe)
- European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
- Comité Européen des Fabricant de Sucre (CEFS)
- The European Cement Association (CEMBUREAU)
- CEMEX (not public)
- COGEN Europe position paper - ECCP 3rd meeting ( COGEN )
- Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)
- Climate Strategies
- Danish Energy Association (Danskenergi)
- Danish Ministry of Transport and Energy
- European Aluminium Association (EAA)
- Electricité de France (EDF)
- European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET)
- European Federation of Intelligent Energy Efficiency Systems (EFIEES)
- The Environmental Industries Commission Ltd. (EIC)
- European Peat and Growing Media Association (EPAGMA)
- Entreprises pour l'Environnement (EpE)
Market authority? - Union of the Electricity Industry (EURELECTRIC)
- European Insulation Manufacturers Association (EURIMA)
- The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES)
- European Association of Consumer Cooperatives (Euro-Coop)
- European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries (EUROFER)
- International Association representing the combined heat and power (CHP), district heating and cooling (DHC) sector in Europe and beyond (Euroheat & Power)
- European Petroleum Industry Association (EUROPIA)
- The European Wind Association (EWEA) (not public)
- Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA)
- Federation of European Producers of Abrasives (FEPA)
- Finnish Energy Industries
- Greenhouse Ireland Action Network (GRIAN)
- Iberdrola
- International Chamber of Commerce UK (ICC UK)
- International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
- Norwegian Mission to EU/Ministry of Environment
- The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM)
- International Association of Oil and Gas Producers OGP Europe (OGP)
- O-I Europe (Manufacturer of Glass Containers)
- Scottish and Southern Energy Group (not public)
- Syndicat national des abrasifs et super-abrasifs (SNAS) (not public)
- Sustainable Forestry Management Ltd. (SFM)
- Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI)
- Verband der Elektrizitätswirtschaft e.V. (VDEW)
- Verband Deutscher Schleifmittelwerke (VDS)
- Austrian Clay Brick and Roof Tile Industry (VöZ)
- World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)