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Innovation Fund Expert Group

Innovation Fund Expert Group meeting on 27 June 2024

On 27 June 2024, the Innovation Fund Expert Group met in a hybrid format in Brussels and online. The purpose of this meeting was to present the Innovation Fund’s (IF) latest developments. The following topics were addressed: 

  • Results of the first renewable hydrogen auction and preparations for the upcoming one; 

  • Results of the stakeholder consultation on the upcoming IF 2024 call for proposals; 

  • General updates on the Fund.  

The Directorate General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) also presented the efforts made toward simplifying the call text and the GHG Methodology. 

Please find more information on the Expert Group below: 

Innovation Fund Expert Group meeting on 6 October 2023

On 6 October 2023, the Innovation Fund Expert Group gathered in a hybrid format. The objective of the meeting was to present the Innovation Fund’s latest developments: the results of the latest large-scale call, the terms and conditions for the renewable hydrogen auction, the upcoming calls for grants and auctions, and the new parts of the greenhouse gas emission methodology, on maritime transport and aviation.

Innovation Fund Expert Group meeting on 29 March 2023

On 29 March 2023 the renewed Innovation Fund Expert Group gathered virtually for the first time. The main objective of the meeting was to present and discuss the necessary changes to the Innovation Fund Delegated Regulation following the revision of the ETS Directive and new competitive bidding mechanism.

10th meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 12 July 2022 the Innovation Fund Expert Group gathered virtually to discuss the following topics:

9th meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 28 April 2022 the Innovation Fund Expert Group gathered virtually to discuss the state of play on the first calls, the currently open small-scale call and the proposals received in the second call for large-scale projects. The meeting also hosted a session on the implementation of the Innovation Fund Project Development Assistance and the NER 300 financial advisory support by the European Investment Bank. Furthermore, DG CLIMA informed the expert group about the ongoing service contract on the introduction of a Competitive Bidding Mechanism under the Innovation Fund to develop Contracts for Difference, Carbon Contracts for Difference or other comparable schemes. The meeting ended with a brief overview of the RePowerEU strategy and the role of the Innovation Fund. 

8th meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 6 July 2021 the Innovation Fund Expert Group gathered virtually to discuss the state of play on the first calls and the planning of the second calls for large-scale and small-scale projects. The meeting has also hosted a session on the additional advisory services offered by the European Investment Bank and a session on new financing opportunities to support investments in clean technologies.

7th meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 17 December 2020, we have organised the 7th Innovation Fund Expert Group meeting to present the statistics on the applications for the large scale projects call and the results of the questionnaire on the application process. The members have also discussed the creation of a network of National Contact Points and the planning of the second calls for proposals.

6th meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 21 October 2020, the Innovation Fund Expert Group has discussed and provided its feedback on the preparation of the call for small-scale projects.

5th meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 5 June 2020, the Innovation Fund Expert Group had a live-streamed virtual meeting.

The following background documents informed the discussions:

These build on the discussion papers developed for the technical workshops in February and March and subsequent feedback received.

4th meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 18 December 2019 the Innovation Fund Expert Group (IFEG) met to start the final preparation for the first call.

3rd meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 28 March 2019, the Innovation Fund Expert Group met to start the discussions on the preparation for the first call.

2nd meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 4 December 2018, the Innovation Fund Expert Group met to discuss the draft Delegated Regulation on the operation of the Innovation Fund.

1st meeting Innovation Fund Expert Group

On 8 June 2018, the Innovation Fund Expert Group met for the first time to discuss its role, the lessons learned from the NER 300 programme and the rules for financing, application, project selection and governance of the Innovation Fund.